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Grass man

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Everything posted by Grass man

  1. Shad color cranks with creek bendin on a flat.
  2. Went wednesday caught 15-20 fish on cranks evening bite. Went from 2 till dark saturday caught round 30 fish biggest two was 7.11 and 6.04 on a jig in 12-14 ft water. Biggest 5 went 25 lbs. with not much grass around makes fishing alot of fun.
  3. There is a good boat storage at fairmont 4 miles south of sixmile on 87 across from gas station thats well kept.
  4. The best fish came on the outside edge of haygrass with coon tail mixed with haygrass closest to the deeper water. Didnt fill the bottom of the boat but what was caught quality wise made up for quantity. If u try this pattern pay attention to the depth and what part of grass it came out of. Middle to outside is best midday and early the better fish came five to ten foot outside edge away from the grass. This time of year i never put the jig down whether its grass brush or stumps. The jig will produce the best quality. Good luck be patient with it and give it a try. The thump is worth it.
  5. Thanks for the welcome catt. Havent fished since last week but last time i went on the bend last week was catchin real good fish on quick drops with ounce and quarter jig. Ran the pattern from six mile to carrice creek and was doin the same. Best five pushed 28lbs. Same pattern workin on rayburn also. Needs to have grass on the drops.
  6. Im new on the site. Live betwee rayburn and the bend been fishin both for 38 yrs. i may can help you on camper. Just bought a new one and lookin to sale the other if interested. Let me know.
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