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No Thanks I'll Bass

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Everything posted by No Thanks I'll Bass

  1. I notice you don't use a bead. I have been using a bead in between the weight and the hook. Not sure why? I think I saw a video that used one and I just have done it since. What's the reasoning behind that and is it really worth rigging on there?
  2. I really just want to find a place to bass fish for a day. I will do a charter of some sort or fish off the beach as well but one day I want to bass fish down there. I just need to know of some places to do that.
  3. I'd like to do some bass fishing somewhere other than where I live. I just want to see what's out there! And yea I'll have to get me some of those crab claws!
  4. Ok so another question, do the ponds and stuff have salt in them? I don't want to ruin any of my good reels and stuff I use at home.
  5. Jig is always my top choice. But try tequila sunrise colored worms wacky rigged.
  6. I am going on a summer trip to gulf shores, AL and was wondering if anyone knew of a place that I could go fishing for largemouth bass down there? Preferably water that doesn't have salt in it if that's possible. If anyone has any ideas let me know!
  7. Tore them up Saturday morning! Biggest was 3lb 10oz.
  8. What happened to yours? Just curious. They fall out or something?
  9. I have fished in shallow water and it does just fine. Not marsh though. I'm sure would do fine. They're extremely sturdy. I love it.
  10. Me either but it's really easy even with a loaded down boat and two people. Good workout!
  11. I have paddled mine just to see how it would be in case and it is very easy to paddle as long as your paddle is long enough. Moves just fine.
  12. 5/16 ounce Booyah Baby Boo Jig in green pumpkin with a Hard Candy colored Rage Tail Baby Craw 5 lbs 21 inches
  13. Nice. Yea that would be helpful. Especially in windy conditions like I found myself in last time out. Spent more time controlling the motor than fishing.
  14. How much was that? You just connect it to any trolling motor and then you can control with your foot? Hard to install?
  15. Yea I am wanting to go Sunday but I am On Call this weekend so I would have to talk someone into taking my call at work. Who you wanting to win it? I hope Stetson Blaylock wins. He is from the same town I am from. Hope he gets it done.
  16. Gotcha. I'm going to work on mine this weekend. Thanks!
  17. Yea man I went to Atkins for the first time Monday and pulled that 5 pounder with a jig. There has got to be some monsters out there. I just got out there around 6 and fished till about 10 and it wasn't bad. The West end of the lake has lots of cypress and brush but it very shallow. That's where I caught that one but it was in the slot. Haven't tried the east end of the lake. Definitely check it out. Could also get out there really early and run trotlines off those trees and then fish and pick up lines when finished. Big cats out there as well. Good luck to you though. Forrest Wood Cup going to be tough on them guys this weekend at Ouachita with the weather change. Ought to be a battle down there.
  18. You fish the Arkansas River a lot? I'm in Arkansas as well. Just went to Lake Atkins Monday and caught a nice one. It has been hit or miss lately though. HOT. But hopefully we will see a drop in temp soon. If you haven't fished Lake Atkins I hear nothing but good things and big fish!
  19. What do you have it mounted with? It's kind of hard to tell. I just have a lowrance 3x so mine is a little smaller but looks like you have some sort of clamp on there?
  20. I need some pictures and ideas of how to mount the fish finder in the boat. I would rather not have holes drilled or anything. Any way to do that? Maybe using one of the rod holders or something? Send pictures if you have them please. Also materials used to make the mount would be helpful. Thanks!
  21. I need some good ideas on how to mount my depth finder in my Pelican Bass Raider 10E. I would prefer not to drill holes or anything at all. If anyone has any pictures or advice that would be great! I was thinking maybe something that can go in one of the rod holders or something?? Help if you can! Thanks!
  22. Has anyone fished on Lake Atkins recently?? Headed there Monday and was just wondering what the fish were wanting. Have never fished up there but I am ready to check it out. Heard good things.
  23. I don't have the plug in for the boat yet and won't have it by the time I go Monday morning. Can I just connect the fish finder and trolling motor directly to my battery?
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