My turn
Like some of you, I had the carabiner snap on my rope as I launched my boat one early Spring morning. I was alone. I heard a pop, looked in the rear view, watched my boat drift away, jumped out, ran to the end of the dock, stripped down and took the plunge. Luckily, the water temp was 65, chilly but not too bad. Glad I kept those beach towels stowed 'cuz I was nekkid as a jay bird.
Here's a real bone headed move. Me and my cousin were fishing in my "new" used Javelin one day, first time I took it out. We had fished this cove and I was gonna fire it up and hit another one. When I turned the key, nothing. After about 10 minutes of tinkering with battery cables and cussing like a sailor, it dawned on me. I had'nt locked the throttle all the way back before I killed the switch. I pulled the throttle back until it locked and she fired right up. He laughed at me for the rest of the day. Stoopid!