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lo n slo

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Everything posted by lo n slo

  1. Do bears suffer from PTSD?
  2. Still have some excellent fishing ahead til about Christmas, but....... Gonna hit alotta lakes in and around my area beginning early March, Rhodhiss, Kerr Scott, Badin, Tillery, even High Rock, Hickory and Wylie (although those three get beat to death). Lucky to have some great lakes within an hours drive from the house. I'll still have Lakes Norman and Davidson in my backyard too.
  3. They work. I've fished them for years. Like the guy's said above, small bullet, texas rigged worm hook, you may want to dip the tail in some chartreuse spike-it. They are prone to tear up on you but they will catch fish.
  4. Nice haul. I need some swim bait hooks myself and that lure knocker will pay for itself many times over!
  5. Good deal brother. Now go catch us some picture bass!
  6. We'll be talking about those spots for sure!
  7. Welcome from NC!
  8. Welcome from NC!
  9. T Rigged Worm
  10. Went out yesterday. It has been cloudy, rainy and cool, with steady NE winds, for the last week, here in the western piedmont of NC. Surface water temp has dropped a good 7 degrees in that span...we've dropped from 83 to 70 in the last two/two and a half weeks here. I did notice some brown water where it has been clear. Dont think that the entire body of water has turned but things are heading that way IMO. I did manage to catch some shallow fish on the Red Eye. Had the lake to myself too. More rain today but Imma try to sneak off to the lake if I get a window.
  11. When we were kids we'd catch crawdads in the creek, underneath rocks. Every now and then we'd catch a salamander(mostly spotted salamanders), sometimes one with "feathers". One of our friends dad called them Hellbenders. I think it's the same thing as a mud puppy. We'd seine up creek chubs too, hook them in the nose and just throw them out there, and let the bass do the rest. Good times Bill
  12. Quality posting right there
  13. Good stuff Wayne
  14. Sweet!
  15. I read that. You did seem to have the thermocline dialed in for most of the summer. You also noticed a change. Surface water temps dropped significantly. Visible thermocline no longer present on your graph. I truly think some "mixing" has begun to take place. Maybe not a full fledged turnover, but things are changing for sure. My fishing experience, around here, with the turnover, is brownish water color and a noticible odor. Some bottom debris floating on the surface and the bite is all but shut down for a couple weeks. Wind blown banks and pockets seem to accumulate more oxygenated water but the bite is still way off. I am a retired Operations Supervisor in the Drinking Water Treatment Industry and my professional experience with the turnover is one of taste and odor related water quality issues, as well as, high raw water turbidity issues. Some years it would arrive sooner than later, usually sometime in mid/late October to early November. Maybe a call to your local water authority could help you fine tune your understanding? Anyway's, sorry for rambling and I do enjoy reading your posts.
  16. Well played Sir
  17. Good luck G Man! Please keep us posted.
  18. A little somethin, somethin for the fall!
  19. Good advice and WAY TO GO with your success. Stories like yours really fires me up.
  20. Took my cousin out on 3/9/14. Water temp at 49 and muddy but we were 3 days into a decent warming trend. His first bass of the day went 4 3/4, his third went 6. It was one of those magic days that we all dream of.
  21. The future? It aint what it used to be.
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