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lo n slo

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Everything posted by lo n slo

  1. sad day
  2. try a standard texas rig. a small bullet weight and a 3/0 offset worm hook. a 6" worm is awful hard to beat with fish that size, and bigger.
  3. i will admit that the cedars and spruces dont last forever. they must be replenished every three years or so. hardwoods last alot longer. we threw some holly trees in once and those things did very well. they're awful "grabby" though. shrubbery does well too but can be messy and difficult to handle if rootballs are still in tact. a friend of mine used buckets with cement and long curved sections of black plastic pipe. i love me some brushpiles.
  4. you better believe it. we usually drop in from 2 to 3 dozen every year. all you do is drive around town about a week after Christmas and they're everywhere. grab some 8x16 cement block (32 lbs a block) at Lowes for $1.50 each, and some small rope or wire, and you're set. one block per tree will usually do unless they're really dried out or super huge. placement is the key. i prefer brush piles consisting of at least a dozen trees minimum. i throw a buoy and make a circular pattern around it. consider points, humps, depth, and normal prevailing winds. dont try to stray too far from the launch and dont forget your life vest. take a buddy and some marker buoys, and tools... and tarps for the boat. you'll be finding spruce needles in the boat for months to come. it's nasty work but will pay off. catch one for me.
  5. lol (USMC in the house) we had to eat the old timey c rations back in the day. i swear, some of those boxes were left over from Nam. i recall using the cracker can, along with a heat tab, as a field stove. we traded those dried out cigs to some Italian solders for some of their rations, which happened to include plastic packets of Grappa. yes, they were provided alcohol in their rations! that stuff was nasty as hell but it took the edge off during field operations in Sardinia.
  6. yep, i was hoping some of you old tree stumps would show up!
  7. found these items down in the basement the other day, thought i'd share. kinda-sorta old school i guess, maybe some of you can relate. first is a Baker "Hook-Out", a small Cordell Super Spot lipless, and last, an OLFA Touch Knife (which may find its way into my tackle bag). also found some old bullet weigts that i will paint and use.
  8. imma preface my response with this statement I SHOULD BE ON THE LAKE! ! ! maybe tomorrow. it used to be tobacco juice, now it's Yum garlic spray.
  9. hahaha, that's funny. i get jokes.
  10. i used to fish with a guy who ALWAYS seemed to run outta something, hooks, weights, plastics....it got old. so i developed a "loaner series" of said tackle, mostly bargain bin hooks and worms. "here ya go pal", as i handed over another worm hook, with a grin. made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. it's what friends do.
  11. i love me some spots. we dont grow them that big though! my pb is only 3.6 and she fought like a tazmanian devil.
  12. Raul's fault. he threw down that bag of Culprit fire and ice, and one thing led to another. 00mod is gonna ban the lot of us for high jacking his thread! lol
  13. my favorite Culprit worms were fire and ice, red shad, and crawdad. the crawdad is brown with a gold "belly". i'd throw it on High Rock Lake sometimes due to the water color. Bryan Kerchal won the BMC over there one year on a red shad. Zoom cotton candy is another one that takes me back. i have no idea what the fish see in that color, but it works amazingly well, especially in "cleaner" water.
  14. a little off topic but, here in NC you get a big discount on a lifetime license purchased for children before their first birthday. we got each of our grandkids a lifetime combined fresh water/salt water fishing, as well as, hunting license for less than $200 each. i have a little less than 8 years before i'm eligible for the senior deal. hope they dont bump that age up before then.
  15. confessions of a life long t-rigger i am the worlds worst at setting the hook on a c-rig. 50% of the time i either hit them with too much slack out or they swallow it.
  16. you win glad yer ok though
  17. haven't thrown an old fire 'n ice in years. we used to slay them on those things.
  18. keep fishing
  19. i have the Orra and it works for me
  20. good call on the rod deal. i went to one of the medium shock type rods a couple years ago myself. just the right amount of "give".
  21. t rig worm or lizard
  22. classic took my jack russell (RIP) out once. he seemed to like the boat ride and enjoyed waching the bass thrash around in the water whenever i'd catch one. maybe he was a bit too comfortable because he would not be still and finally went overboard as we were running down the lake. i did a quick 180 and managed to scoop him up before, God forbid, he went under. when WE got home, mama said, "LAST TIME!"
  23. multicraft = pffffffft
  24. exactly. i like to do a light sanding to remove small burs and molding edges, anything that may inhibit adhesion too. i use tooth picks as holders for the bullets then place them into tiny holes drilled into my work bench top. i just did a batch of blood red, custom mixed with my Testors. edit: i like what scaleface wrote in another thread about painting 3 eyes on his weights instead of 2.
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