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lo n slo

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Everything posted by lo n slo

  1. go for it
  2. we went one day last spring. we did ok on soft plastics but it was post spawn and the bite was tough. water was gin clear then but may be stained now after last weeks heavy rain. deep water in places, steep banks. good luck.
  3. it's been a windy spring down here in NC too. windy and dry, up until last week. we just had our "blackberry winter" and summer time conditions usually ensue. mid 80's this coming week with SW winds 5-10. perfect for fishing, IF the forecast holds true.
  4. congratulations on your recent retirement. It's good that you're busy. i've been retired from the city for over five years now and live a much more active life. work some, fish alot. people told me i'd get bored, be back in 6 months. lol. sounds like you're doing well, but you gotta do better with the fishing man. peace
  5. dad burn it bill. every time we hear from you these days you're all busted up. get that knee fixed and take care of yourself!
  6. nothing wrong with spinning gear or worms. i cut my fishing teeth on both. welcome aboard.
  7. great job, as always, wolfy. keep it coming! here in western NC we have been dealing with mostly windy conditions, up until the last week. lotsa rain has brought reservoir levels up and inflow is stained. we had April in March, and March in April but the bite has been awesome since mid March. entering the post spawn realm now. peace
  8. i fish, therefore i am. i've fished on days when i could'nt buy a strike. i've fished on days when i could do no wrong. fishing is like life itself, good days and not so good days. those that excell, are driven, talented, smart, they have the "it" factor (possibly gill plates and lateral lines too). others, well, not so much i guess. i fish because i love it. some would say it is my addiction. i will tell you it is my passion.
  9. lost one Sunday morning. made a long cast to a pair of stumps. when i engaged the reel she was already pulling the line tight. it felt like i got a good hook up but when she jumped, she threw my lizard back. she was a big, heavy fish but i never got the barb in her. i had already caught over 30 fish that morning, mostly buck spots, a good day. but losing the big largemouth was like a kick in the beans. the end
  10. i'll throw a 3/16 oz texas rig most of the time unless the wind is up, then it's a 1/4 oz. i fish alot of deeper structure as the spring progresses into summer and even on into early fall. i want to be able to feel those rocks and stumps and brushpiles. stroking or dragging, it is my addiction and i am ever in search of my next fix. catch one for me.
  11. the carp usually move in to spawn after the bass do but it isn't written in stone that all the bass leave the shallows altogether. i give them their space anyway.
  12. i was a long time article researcher before i even thought about joining the forum. glad i finally did.
  13. well said
  14. depending on where you are..... points, docks, ramps, rip rap and other rock, laydowns, grass, around bridges, inflow, steeper banks, wind, and shade. my 2 cents. back in the day all we had was a purple worm and a whole lotta "want to"!
  15. kinda partial to the tequila sunrise, pumpkin seed, and fire 'n ice over here!
  16. Valdese is close to lakes Rhodhiss, Hickory, James, Kerr Scott Matthews - Wylie (NC/SC), Norman, High Rock, Badin, Tillery Garner and Cary - Shearon Harris, Jordan, Falls of the Neuse, Randleman, Gaston, Kerr /Buggs Island (NC/VA). Garner isnt that far from High Rock, Badin as well. This would be your location for some of the best bass fishing. My 2 cents. Welcome to our state.
  17. last week we had a spot throw up a small blue/green whacky worm, whacky ring, hook, all in tact. it came out center first, almost like a breach puke, if you will. i kept the ring.
  18. lol they were plastic eggs with treats inside, bad enough i suppose. it went straight in the trash can but not after i had a good chuckle. someday i gotta have a long talk with that boy. lol
  19. kinda late with this one but here i go anyways....... it rained here on Easter and we had the family in for dinner. the kids wanted to have an Easter egg hunt. so we took turns hiding eggs, inside the house, and so on and so forth. our 4 yr old grandson took charge and insisted on hiding some eggs alone. i found this one about a week later.....
  20. i'll throw a lizard from March thru December, shallow, deep, dragging, stroking, and swimming. usually it's a zoom 5" (depending on lake and species) and often a 6" if situation warrants. green pumpkin and june bug on a Texas rig. i've caught some big bass on a 5" lizard but they do attract smaller fish. i fish alot of spotted bass waters and that factors into my game plan too.
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