me and my friend decided to skip the gym and hit the lake this morning. i keep a 14’ jon boat at a small lake near the house. despite the threat of certain rain, the radar was clear at 6:30 and we were casting at 7:30. almost immediately it began a light rain. continued raining on and off for the next hour or so. we were hanging them and it was a nice break from the hot May sun. then i saw “it”, a gray wall of torrential, tropical rain about two hundred yards away and headed towards us. it was too late, no escape, neither covered boat slips, nor bridges, just the open sky. a run back to the dock would have been useless. so we fished on, laughing, cussing, and catching fish. i hollered a couple times as the water ran down the back of my shorts. my Skechers were swamped. it rained hard. after the great flood we fished on. thank you God for good friends, good fishing, and auto bilge....and for no lightning ?