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lo n slo

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Everything posted by lo n slo

  1. Ernest finally landed that summer job down at Hap’s full service Gas ‘n Go about a week after school let out. old Hap was a crusty sort, rough around the edges, but fair. after about a week he let Ernie run the place all by himself while Hap stepped out for a bit to get his bottle of heart pills refilled. during that time the mayor had pulled in for a quick checkup and oil change. Ernie dove right in and had the good mayor back on his way in less than an hour. as he was cleaning up, Hap returned to the station… “How’d it go boy?” “Just changed the oil in the mayor’s car and now he’s off to Raleigh for a big mayor’s conference!” “Well done boy, any problems?” “Nope, only had this one bolt leftover.”
  2. i ain’t caught a bass that big in a couple years ?
  3. absolutely
  4. my bad brother, didn’t mean to offend anyone. carry on
  5. i forgot about speed walking ?
  6. the entire album ? I saw them 3 times in the late 70’s (Skynyrd too) and I’m darn proud to say it ?
  7. a couple years ago I saw this video Shaw Grigsby has out about this new knot he’s been using for fluoro. I tried it and have been using it ever since. I don’t even know if it has a name but I’ve been calling it the Shaw Grigsby knot. You can find it on YouTube
  8. Culprit fire and ice gets an honorable mention here ?
  9. i love all of it
  10. Bang-O-Lure Little Cleo
  11. i fish from a jon boat alot and at the depths you’re talking about. i pretty much agree with all the advice already given. i like to anchor upwind from my target and throw a 1/4 oz texas rig with the wind and start counting. i’ll fan cast til i hit my target and the rest is simple after that. you may not nail the location at first, but will soon get your mojo if you keep working at it. getting hung in your brush pile or rock pile while anchored can be a pain but it does happen. just deal with it and go on. sometimes it’s too windy and you have to try somewhere else. that’s fishing.
  12. spotted bass disclaimer here: it appears that my brush pile fish are now scattered, chasing bait no doubt. this doesn’t usually occur until around mid/late August. no noticeable thermocline yet, but here we are nonetheless. i’ll get back out there on Friday and see what i can find out, if anything. the quest continues
  13. i think that it’s incredible that they were able to keep it alive for all that time and then release the giant cat back into the river. well done guy’s!
  14. https://ftw.usatoday.com/2021/07/angler-sets-record-with-blue-catfish-that-looked-like-a-baby-whale
  15. dump the EWG hooks brother ?
  16. don’t forget to fry up some liver mush
  17. texas rigged worms and lizards
  18. all healed up, i see ?
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