I came down to Cali but I was fishing this small lake called Loch Lomond in Santa cruz it was closed for a while but now that it's open I've benm killing there and got four pbs there this year are you from the west coast?
lol gotta long arm it but it was 24" 20" girth
Yeah it was crazy she exploded on my buzz bait three feet away from me and I did
t even see her cruising she just came from no where also got it on my gopro it's gonna be on my Insta you should check it out it fishingthenorthwestt
I skipped the matts all day the last two days and it's held up fine the only thing that happen was a after I canght a couple fish it started to tear open but tje mend it fixed that.
Yeah I like that the savage gear does the 180 it looks like its checking out any followers but I only got a few of them on that one but the matts killed it the last couple I got a five today and got a coupe decent fish yesterday and had two 7-8 pounders follow it and swipe but IMO it sinks too fast when it's by the boat And any followers I have to back down because it sinks too fast but the savage is a slower sink and it just rest there which I like but I got the 5" version and te hooks always come out of the slots . I will be ordering a few of each soon both great baits and get Giants.
Was thinking about. How does it fish I don't really fish hard swimbaitaswim baits
i already posted this but didnt know which onecatagory it went into anyone fishing any of the tourneys on the delta or bay area this summer that you can fish as a co angler becasue i was having trouble finding them.
thanks matt
i just came down to the Santa cruz area for the summer and am gonna be fishing a lot, mostly bass and some salt water. If anyone's looking for someone to fish you can text or call me my number is 9712768017 my email is mattdms12@gmail.com or you can pm on here but I don't really know how to do that. I Could meet somewhere other than Santa cruz too. I'll also be I the Lodi area during the fourth weekend so if Anyones looking for a fishing partner For the delta or a lake around there juat message me somehow ill be able to pay for gas and have rods/tackle. I'm also going to lake Camanche for a week at the end of July and if anyone's down to fish I'd go there or to pardee.
thanks Matt
Has anyone had any luck finding bed fish in lakes or ponds around the Portland area. My friend and I were planning to some bed fishing this weekedn, bit the water temps still seem too cold. Just wondering if it's even worth looking for bed fish or should we just fish pre spawn baits.
Thanks Matt
I found an eight inch huddleston in the hold over color and seems like a weird color and doesnt look like a trout that i was wondering if anyone has had any luck with that color. Im also getting a couple six inchers one in juvenile trout and was thinking about getting one in the phantom shasta or hold over juvenile which one would you guys recomend.
I went to cali for my spring break and went to a little lake that had been closed for a while. The first day was my first dag of the year and it was okay only got a few bites and two bass the biggest maybe 2¾, but my first for the year. The next day was better hooked a lot of fish and got my first hudd fish. I went today got a 6.1 my new pb for the first of the day then a 2¼ and a 4.6 hooked another giant but she broke off and most a couple 3+ fish.
Three biggest of the trip hudd fish 6.1and 4.6
I went to California for my spring break but was unable to bring any of my rods down, so I went to the San Jose bass pro and picked up the first gen villain on sale for 80 dolloars. I've only used it once fishing hudds felt like a good rod light with a good back bone. Got the 6'9" MH not good for hudds, but worked fine. Wondering if anyone has any complaints about the rod breaking.
Thanks Matt
Fished the Willamette in the sellwood downtown area during the early summer months and slayed smallies averaging in the 2.5 pound range on up to 5. Most fish were on dropshot and jigs, but the biggest were on topwater like buzzebaits and Zara spooks.
Recently broke my only XH while fishing sturgeon. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a rod in the 100-180 price that would he good to throw hudds.
Thanks, Matt
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