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Everything posted by Quesenek

  1. If I'm on a boat/kayak I start at the edge of the weeds/pads if there is an edge and then I start in toward the shore. What I use depends on what I have and what kind of plant life I'm dealing with. I usually end up punching through the weeds with a creature/craw or a trick worm.
  2. This is pretty much what I was going to recommend, as much as I can remember most of my pond fish have been when I was pulling baits through the weeds/pads. OP: you have braid so don't be afraid to cast right into the weeds with a weedless setup like a texas rig or a weedless jig. Also something that may help that is something I struggle with and have been trying to learn is to slow down your retrieve, if the bass are being sluggish and don't feel like chasing the bait then slowing down the bait will give the bass more time to think about taking it.
  3. I reel a spinning reel with my left hand and a baitcaster with my right, however I can use both right or left without any issue I just feel like I can finesse baits with my left arm better.
  4. This is pretty much my go to when I fish ponds, I also have really good luck using a weightless/light weight T-rig fluke both regular and paddle tail when nothing else seems to be working.
  5. Same here, as long as the wind stays just wind I can make due.
  6. As someone also 300lb+ I've been looking at the Ascend H12 due to its seat and more importantly the storage space. Currently I'm using a sun dolphin journey 12 ss and for what it is, at my weight it is extremely stable but the seat gets uncomfortable after fishing awhile.
  7. I use a few pool noodles to put in between the kayak and what ever car I'm taking and then I just ratchet tie the kayak down. Works with both cars with and without a roof rack.
  8. Which ever one you decide on make sure it has a raised seat, for example like the one in the Ascend H12. I never thought about it before I bought my first kayak, however now its at the top of my list for my second kayak.
  9. Honestly I've also seen a decline in the fishing aspect of the fishing youtubers, but I guess its kind of hard to make a fishing video teaching what you do to catch fish if you don't catch any fish that day. I think that gene's sponsors may skew some of his opinions about things and change what things he promotes, however as bad as people say it is to "Sellout" I would do the same thing in a heartbeat if a company came to me and said they would pay me if I used and promoted their products so I cannot really say anything bad about him. All the others I like some of them and dislike others depending on what I feel like watching. One I like watching is j0j0barz33 because he adds more to his videos then just fishing which is what I look for because instead of watching footage of nothing but someone else fishing I could just go fishing myself.
  10. I would definitely try out the drift sock, either its going to work how you want it to or not. You could also look at an anchor trolley with an extra long anchor rope, but at 20-50ft the length of anchor rope may or may not actually keep you from drifting very well. I would check out what offshore kayak fishermen use to keep from drifting off course considering they also are fishing in depths of 20ft+.
  11. Just as the title says, how long before you continue on or consider the spot your fishing "fished"? I've just recently gotten a kayak which I've taken out a few times when I have the time and its not storming. Today I was out and was wondering how long I should stay in a spot before I move on which is something that is new to me because while bank fishing all I had was a little area that I would cast out into for hours. Now that I have a way to cover a lot of water I seem to be still in the bank fishing mindset where I'm out for 3+ hours and I've only covered a little area of water not knowing if I should move or not.
  12. Your way is smarter than what I've seen some guys do around here, I've seen some guys get their boats going fast to get a head start before they pull their trolling motor up and they drift as far as their boat will take them through the slop and weeds. Wouldn't want to be them when they hit a rock hiding under the surface. One reason why I bought a kayak is because I can easily navigate through thick vegetation where I would be trying to go with a boat anyway.
  13. For brands I'm not picky I shop around until I find the style of soft plastic I'm looking for at the best price per quantity. I've never really had a problem with lily pads or grass that using another type/brand of soft plastic would solve.
  14. I thought about it once or twice, but I can't justify the price.
  15. I really wanted a bass boat until I started reading what the upkeep on one is, once I started reading the advantages kayaks/canoes have over them I was all about kayaks. I may eventually get one because chickamauga lake is all about the power boat life, but until then kayaks more than suit my needs.
  16. I have the journey 12 SS, I've taken it out on Chickamauga lake a couple times now since buying it a few weeks ago. I'm not sure what the differences between cheap journey kayaks and high end kayaks are, but the journey hasn't given me a reason to think about an upgrade beyond a kayak made for standing like the old town predator. Pretty much anything else such as a seat can be upgraded. Overall I'm more than impressed with the kayak.
  17. As Massrob said kayak fishing is way better than fishing from the shore, for the $500 I spent on my kayak I gladly put up with all the problems then be anchored to the shore. However I have developed a growing hatred for powerboats and jet skis I don't go out on Saturdays to avoid this for the most part hopefully this gets better in the fall. The wind hasn't been a problem since I installed an anchor trolley, I can usually drop the anchor and get in a good position to fish from.
  18. This pretty much explains it. When I was a kid me and my family lived by a creek and naturally I was constantly in that thing catching anything from minnows to darters to crayfish with my net. I would catch crayfish that were anywhere from totally black or brown/orange to black or brown/orange with highlights of red to blue and every color in between.
  19. When bank fishing I try to find visible cover such as shade under trees or lily pads for example. If none of those are immediately evident I fish a jig, Texas rig, or Carolina rig to find vegetation or other types of cover, once I find the cover or some interesting structure such as drop offs I usually focus around that spot.
  20. I like using 3" double tail grubs and 4" single tail grubs in the pressured waters where I fish. The brand I've found doesn't really matter just whatever you like.
  21. If i had a kayak(which I do) I wouldn't be able to fish from the shore without thinking I'm missing out on something. My personal experience is that with a boat you seek out waters that you know probably have fish you just have to pick the bait they want. With shore fishing you don't always have access to waters that hold fish or that don't have a ton of fishing pressure, add in the fact that they could be hitting any bait you have with you and you have an annoying experience.
  22. I always use 1 size up from the smallest for pretty much anything that needs a swivel.
  23. 3" Gary Yamamoto Senko in green pumpkin with black flake weightless. Not sure on the measurements or the weight.
  24. Typically my injuries come from shutting my fingers in my tackle boxes, that I remember I haven't been hooked bad enough to talk about however now you guys have me thinking about a lip grabber or something of the sort to land the fish.
  25. I love fishing a weightless super fluke/Senko. They are so versatile, at times I've wondered why I take anything else out with me.
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