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Everything posted by FishTank

  1. Invizx would be my choice. It's just good line but Sniper isn't too far behind.
  2. I can quantify it.... I fished a wacky rig today for my tournament. I caught 10 bass (2 keepers). The guy that won fished it weightless with a 4/0 EWG. He was 7lb in front of me and 5lb ahead of 2nd place. It was that kind of day.
  3. The braid I am using is .08 PE/16lb, which equivalent to 2 or 3lb mono. It's almost as small as sowing machine thread. It's tough stuff though. The reel is supposed to be made for thin braid like this. So far my experience with this line has been mixed. I have caught tons of fish, it's smooth and cast well but everything else has been a nightmare. I will probably switch to 4lb FC once I grow tired of this line.
  4. It's probably loops at the end of the cast and I'm missing them somehow.
  5. I lost another one today when my lined snapped in the spool. I thought I had it figured out but..... That knot does work. Here is a 2lb+ river smallie. They pull like crazy. Another reason braid drives me crazy.
  6. Ya Mustad has kind of gone down hill. There are a few from them I still use but far as Eagle Claw goes, I do like the Trokar hooks. The plain gold ones though, horrible. My fishing buddy uses them and they rust, they break and bend and in general are not sharp. He will not change regardless of how many fish he looses.
  7. I have seen this topic brought up on another forum about the Freestyle but I can't seem to find the thread. There was a post in it with a link for a weighted screw hook which allowed you to move the weight on the hook and the hook was not bent as say a Owner Beast hook. The change in weight and the design allowed the bait to run better and it reduced the wiggle at the front of the bait due to the large gap hook dangling from underneath. I think retrieve speed, again, is still key with the Magdraft and the Freestyle. The Magdraft for me has been the best swimbait ever. Also, you might look at the Magslow. Despite the name, you can fish it faster.
  8. I am turning 50 and the one bait from youth that still catches fish but I hardly ever use one is a Dardevle Spoon. This thing would catch whatever.
  9. Eagle Claw has become the low end in hooks. They use to be the what everybody used and we all caught fish on them but as years have gone by, hooks have improved greatly and there are much better options out there.
  10. Be prepared for the smell. There is nothing I found yet that is as strong as these. It's like death rolled in garlic. The best thing in the bunch is oddly the sinkers that look like drop shot weights but they are actually for the free rig. They have an insert at the top rather than traditional wire or round tie.
  11. In the NRX+ line, I have the 802C and I have been able to cast a 1/16 jig head with 4in and 6in Roboworms with not issues but that is the lightest I would go with this rod. It is a struggle to a good cast sometimes as it not a true BFS rod. I have it paired with a Daiwa Steez CT. I have not fished the Conquest BFS but I did consider it when I started to look for BFS reels. I believe that if you are wanting a true BFS rod, I am not sure that there is an NRX that fits the bill. I am still green when it come to BFS but I know in order to load a rod with these small baits you are going to need a soft whipping tip and nothing in the NRX line is like that. I currently have a Dobyns Sierra Ultra Finesse and it works well but it too has it's limitations. For the money, it's great though. I am up to about 200 bass in less than 2 months on this rod.
  12. So I found my issue. I can't say it is same for the OP but this knot was tight when I put the line on. I put about 5-10 yards of 4lb mono backing and respooled with the same braid. We will see if it improves. I have used the same knot for braid as well. It never breaks at the knot and if it does, it's always in the spool. I have had great luck with the double San Diego jam as well.
  13. I am battling this on a reel I just purchased. I have been out three times with it and have sort of lost four lures. All of them the same way, the line is breaking in the spool when I try do a long cast. Cast and then snap. This has been the nature of braid for me and why I usually don't use it for main line but the reel I bought was specifically designed for braid. Just in case, two of the lures I was using were floating crankbaits and I was able to get them back with line still attached. The knot on the lure is perfectly fine. The line had snapped like it had been cut clean. I only have this issue with braid on baitcasters. Also, the line I am using is .08 PE Veritas Super Trout Advanced. The line is tough as nails. The second fish I caught on it was a 10-15lb carp (which was a blast on BFS gear) so I know line will hold up to big fish. I have also checked the guides with a magnifying glass lamp. My belief is that it is digging in on the retrieve and when I go to cast, it's catching and snapping the line part way through the cast. I may switch to FC just see what happens. I will be out $35 for the line but it's better than loosing time and lures.
  14. The noise will quiet down with use.
  15. And the record goes round and round.
  16. I have two and neither of them have this issue. Instead of pulling line, try putting your thumb on the spool and turning the handle. See how much pressure it takes to turn it. If the line slips and not the spool, you should redo your line. There is also the chance that the drag has been over tightened on them and the cup washers are flattened. This will reduce the drag to almost nothing.
  17. I need to curb my JDM addiction but can't wait to try this stuff out.
  18. Shimano SLX combo. It can be had for under $200. The reel is great for beginners. The rod is just OK.
  19. Fishing in current I go as heavy as possible, maybe 1/4 oz. I don't fish rivers and streams often but if the water is moving in my area so is the bait and with the ned rig I want the bait to sit so there is no slack line or I don't want it to drift off the bottom. I also try to use the current to my advantage and choose baits that will wiggle when still.
  20. I have been looking for one too. They were in stock just about everywhere in Japan and then gone. I have been wanting a new crankbait reel and I have a way older version of the Calcutta. I should have snagged one when I had the chance.
  21. 7' Heavy Fast Split Grip 1/2 - 1 1/2 oz. $125 shipped (US only). Great rod and in excellent condition. I have only used it a few times and it needs a good home. PM me for pics and any questions. Thanks
  22. Hope you like it. ?? Just remember it will be stiffer than Invizx. My typical routine on orders from Japan.... Reel, rod, line, a few baits for that setup and then no more than 2 things that I need to refill or replace. Line usually takes up the other two things. Which on my last order was the same two lines we have been talking about. I very rarely order a few items. I always order with the idea of getting free shipping.
  23. Have you checked this out.....
  24. Sunline Sniper Invisible. Also great line. I have been using it on a couple of setups. It's different shades of green, kind of camo looking. Again I would not buy it in the US, too pricey. I think I paid $11 for 85 yards from Digitaka.
  25. I have ordered from them a few times. Their site is weird but they are legit. Shipping is usually pretty good. It takes about a week to get stuff but there have been times when I have received a reel in 3 days.
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