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Everything posted by FishTank

  1. Since the OP has already selected a rod and asked about the process. I brake me rod selection down like this.... NEW ROD (non Tournament)...... This in addition to what already own so it's something I probably don't need. First, it has to add to my fishing fun. Next, I want it to compliment my rods and not be a total repeat of other rods. BROKEN ROD UNDER WARRANTY...... I get the replacement and hope it's exactly the same as the old. Loomis and usually St.Croix excel at this. BROKEN ROD OUT OF WARRANTY..... I take into consideration what I am using it for. Then I address the things I'm picky about... grip, real seat guides, etc. Finally, warranty. I want either lifetime or 15 years. For what they cost, I think it's part of what I am paying for. TOURNAMENT RODS..... These are going to be rods were sensitivity and durability are the most important. They will also hit my pocket probably the hardest but not always. These rods are going to be what I call legacy rods... Rods lines that have been around for years that fit into my rotation of rods. These rods will ideally have a similar feel and I will also know exactly what to expect from them. Warranty again is key. For rods lines that I am unfamiliar with, I will research until I'm blue in the face. Once I have narrowed it down, I save my money and I wait to find the best price.
  2. I use 10lb quite a bit but 13lb Defier is my favorite. I have also been trying some Sunline FC but the jury is still out on this experiment.
  3. For treble hook baits it's been fine. I have caught most of my fish on this rod with small cranks and trout minnow baits. As far as Ned Rig goes, I tried it and it was OK. Nothing about it really blew me away. I have a NRX+ Ned Rig rod I like better but I haven't used the 700 enough with any soft plastic to really say how it performs. It is definitely capable though and it is one of those rods that's just fun to fish.
  4. I have the 700. I noticed this as well and it's still sort of confusing. You would think with a Mod Action the tip would be soft but it is and it isn't. It all depends on the weight of the lure you are using and how it loads the rod. If you are at the lower end of the rod weight, it feels crisp and a little stiff (great for side arm casting). Go to a 3/16oz - 1/4oz lure and it feels soft. When you land a fish, it starts off quick and then the rod softens and bends a lot. This is great for hook sets with mono and FC. I am still undecided on braid. I would say that it is a great all around rod for BFS bass fishing. I like mine and it is a great value but its starting to show some wear despite being used only for a couple of months. I can't speak for the 701 but I hear that is slightly heavier in power than the 700 despite the same ratings. I would guess it would have a softer tip than the 700 and would be better suited for braid.
  5. It's real..... A local witness confirmed the catch.
  6. In Indianapolis there is a section called Broad Ripple and within it is a spot called Oxbow. The White River when really high would overflow into this big pond. It was, at onetime before the apartments and dining halls were built, I believe an outdoor pool but over the years fish from the White River filled it and since it was deep, it was deemed unsafe to swim in. There were a massive amounts of fish in this pond but nothing big, except one fish in particular. From the upper rooms of the apartments around it, you could see the bottom and all of the fish including 7 foot paddlefish. I don't know how it survived or how it got that big but I did see it eat a duck hole even though it would eat all of the bugs and gunk on the far end. I was told a guy living there caught it and released back into White River. It would have shattered the state record and would have come close the US record but he did not want to call attention to their private and now secured lake. Like most fish stories, the weight and size got bigger and bigger over the years but I can confirm that the 7 foot length was real and if I had to guess, it was about 150lbs.
  7. Who says BFS fishing isn't fun or for big fish? It's around 14 inches on a Baby Pop Max.
  8. I had to jump on the bike stuff..... I had a 1974 Schwinn Le Tour. It was originally my brothers but it was a hand me down that I couldn't wait to get. I had it tuned several times over the years but finally gave it up two years ago when the frame started to rust. I road this bike from the time I was 14 until I was 47. The reason I couldn't give it up..... I set the 200m and 500m record for male under 18 at the Major Taylor Velodrome on this bike. The records held up for a few years but as the years have gone by I have forgotten the times and it has been beaten more than once. The records were a fluke though. I was there with some friends just to watch another rider practice. I knew nothing of the sport and everyone there knew it too. They made me do about 10 laps before they accepted the time of the guy wearing Bermuda shorts and an OP t-shirt. Pic is not of my exact bike. I stole it from an article.
  9. This is my first one of these. The color though, Kasumi Ito, has caught a lot of fish in each different bait I have tried it in. We will see how it does tomorrow.
  10. Not sure about the Bait Monkey but the BFS Bug has been biting pretty hard.
  11. Shimano Metanium (JDM) 8.x:1. It has quick start up on the drag and a larger power handle. For line Sunline Xplasma.
  12. I was kind of thinking this when I said one was smaller but was too proud to say black is slimming. ?
  13. I could be wrong. They just feel different. I'll check it out after work.
  14. The frame. I will add a Pic later of the two of them side by side for comparison.
  15. Since I have the Silver Wolf, what are the advantages of going to an aftermarket spool and what should you look for in one?
  16. The Silver Wolf is designed to fish bream but it's more of a BFS reel with some back bone. It's a little smaller than the regular Zillion and made to fish PE rated braid. So far both reels have been great.
  17. Got it. Definitely not the one I was thinking of. The second picture is the Silver Wolf. Looks like they both have it. Here is a better picture of the Silver Wolf spool with the ring.
  18. Here are the two spools. The Zillion looks like it has a plastic ring and the Silver Wolf a metal one.
  19. This is sort of how I look at. Glenn explained it well. I have spent this year keeping statistics on using braid as main line (not done yet)... How many fish, number of casts, backlashes, etc. Short version for now.... Braid catches less fish for me when used as main line but I do use it for frogs (I land more fish on mono though) and pitching into cover. I have it on one spinning set up. I use leader and catch a ton of fish with this set up but without leader, the numbers go down.
  20. I use leader only for Texas Rigged soft plastic and for finesse spinning gear. I try to match the same diameter as braid. I do not use leader for some topwater (frogs for example) or heavy cover.
  21. Yes. I believe so. It wasn't something I looked at when I took it apart. I will look for sure when I get a chance but here is a blow up of the schematic.
  22. I've been using Varivas Super Trout Advance PE 0.8. It's fantastic line if I take the time to manage it after each cast but I think it's almost too slick and thin. I thought with some use it would rough up a little but no such luck. It has stayed true to its form and shown no signs of wear.
  23. I got my Silver Wolf a few weeks ago and it's pretty amazing. I had a few issues out of the box though..... it wasn't smooth, almost grinding and geary. I was going to send it back to Digitaka but decided to take it apart instead. I found one bad spool bearing. The bearings were also dry. The AR bearing was soaked in grease and to top it off, there was a split ring stuck in some grease inside the frame. There were no signs that it had been used. I cleaned it, soaked the bearings and re-lubed it. It's perfect now. I just need to move on from the braid I put on it. It's been a disaster.
  24. It would be whatever you are comfortable with. For me it's a 7.x:1.
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