My former neighbor used to breed pit bulls that were true monsters. They came from a special blood line that was know for strength and muscle density. Everytime I saw a puppy leave his house I would wonder when it would end up in a dog fight. But the good side is not all of these dogs are bad by nature, my father-in-law has one of my ex-neighbors dogs and she is a sweet and gentle 11 year old. So I guess it is up to the owner to be held accountable. In Vicks case the evidence points to guilt so much he has been banned by the NFL from participaiting, Nike has suspended his shoe contract and is pulling all of his merchandice from their shelves, Reebok has stopped production of his jersey, and Donruss will not produce a football card for him next year. Vick is a multi-million dollar investment for several companies and their decisions did not come lightly or with out a significant amount of cash lost. Guilty or not in a court of law, the door is closing on Vicks career as a football player. The court of public opinoin has spoken and acted quickly. This is a scar on the NFL that will never go away because it brings a player's "lifestyle" into direct question. Look at this way, if Vick is guilty of having illegal dog fights at his home and with 52 other players on his team and with thousands of other NFL players, staff and ex-players, who else might end up in the public opinion guilty pool. This thing is just beginning.......