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Everything posted by FishTank

  1. I have been using a G. Loomis BCR803 GLX for baitcasters and for spinning I use a St. Croix Avid AS68MXF.
  2. I went to my local Gander Mountain and asked if the Avid rods where clearenced like they are at Dicks. The salesmen replied with and an emphatic, "No, they are not on sale". They were loaded to the hills with Avid rods. If you have seen the St. Croix racks, I think they hold 40 rods front and back. They had 4 of these filled with just Avids. They said that they had arived about 2 weeks ago. I will keep my eyes open to see when they will decide to put them on sale.
  3. Yes, they take forever. My last order took three weeks and when it arrived one of the lures I ordered was damaged in the box. I then shipped it back and it took two weeks to get a new one. I have had better luck with tackle warehouse and another site. There are also the many sponsor of this site. All have been highly recommended.
  4. Welcome..... You will find a wealth of information on this site. I have been a member for a little over a year and I have learned more in that time than I have in the last 10 years about bass fishing. As far as your questions goes, I would say that they are both tools used to help you land the big one. As far as which one is best and which one to use for a specific purpose, that is up to you and how you fish. For me personally, I use spinning gear for weightless soft plastic, in line spinner baits and windy conditions. I use baitcaster for more heavy cover, crankbaits, topwater, and weighted soft plastic.
  5. I'd stay with the Loomis IMX or you might try a St. Croix Legend Tournament rod like the TBC68MXF. They should be on clearance soon if not already.
  6. I like Booyah's Counter Strike.
  7. Sure you can be mad but you need to deal with this directly if your school won't. I used to work on printing presses and somebody kept getting into my tool chest almost daily. They would pick the lock and help themselves. Eventhough they would return the tools, I was still mad. So I lined my drawer handles with grease and ink. Problem solved. The guy was easy to find and even easier to put in place.
  8. If I am fishing a jig slow and bouncing it off the bottom, I will cast out to a particular spot, bounce the jig a little bit just to feel what the structure is on the bottom, and I feel something different on the way in I give the rod a small jerk. If that small jerk doesn't allow the jig to fall to the structure I felt when I first casted, I'll try to set the hook. If your lucky, it'll be a big slam instead of nibble. One other thing, a sensitive rod can make all the difference. I have had the best success with a G. Loomis BCR803 GLX and Gamma Flourocarbon.
  9. DD22's and a heavy jigs have been the best for me.
  10. Nice pics. Is that a red pixy with megabass destroyer rod?
  11. Did anybody see Mellancamp before the game? He sang "Small Town" and added the line "My wife was 13 when I wrote this song." You gotta love that guy. ;D
  12. It's officially a spanking......... . Jason David before: Jason David after: Go Colts...
  13. Thanks RW. I gave the X-Point hooks a try early on this year and I really liked them. The point seem to penatrate better than most hooks for some reason. It has been hard to find around here. I hope I'll be able to make to BPS this fall and pick some up if they still have them.
  14. My older brother has asma and allergies. I have grown old watching him have asma attacks and reactions to medications, food, pollen, heat, cold, etc. My advice, stick with your doctor until he can get you up to good health, then start thinking about supplements. And if you feel you need to take something, talked to your doctor first. One other thing, I used to be a powerlifter and vitamins and supplements are not for everybody. One thing I did learn from lifting weights is that everybody's metabalism is different. The goal in taking a health aid is to figure out what you personally need and not to let the bottles of pills out there tell you what you think you need. If I had to say what makes you the healthiest when it comes to nutrition, it would have to be a healthy digestive system. If you can keep your colon clear of toxins, your body will respond positively. My brothers doctor thinks that's where his problem with allergies lies (his colon can not digest certian things, only absorb).
  15. I purchased a Quantum Tour Edition PT last year and fished it for about 3 months, then I started to have some issues with it. Something was wrong with breaking system and the drag washer cracked. For the time I was able to fish it, it was a fine reel. But to give a recommendation for the reels you have picked, I can't say for sure. The Tour Edition I think runs about $230. For $20 more, I would go with the Daiwa Zillion or you could save a few bucks and get a Shimano Curado.
  16. I posted this a couple of times but I guess one more won't hurt. I picked up an Avid at Dick's for $65 ($75 on sale minus a $10 off coupon). I have also thought of a question regarding St. Croix's warranty. If I have a rod break, will they replace my old Avid with one of the new ones coming out later this fall?
  17. Soccer will never catch on in America. Too many parents drag their kids to it every week (like myself) and get burt out on it, so do the kids. As far as the hype on sports, that's what the fans pay for. They will support a winner and ignore a loser. Once the hype is over, the fans are gone.
  18. http://cgi.ebay.com/ABU-Cardinal-3-new-box-etc-NIB_W0QQitemZ180156158366QQihZ008QQcategoryZ11728QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem The new Cardinal 3 looks cool but when I saw this it brought back some good memories.
  19. It's sad to say, but the Bears Def. will probably out score their offense.
  20. Zebco 33 is a classic we all have owned at one time. It would be great for a youngster.
  21. The Colts will destroy the Saints. I look for Manning to pass for about 400 yards and Addai will get over 100 yards rushing. If anything will hurt the Colts Thursday, it will be special teams.
  22. +1
  23. I am huge Big Ten Football fan but here in my neck of the woods (Indiana) Wabash and DePauw are the main attraction every year. They play each other every year in the Monon Bell Classic. This Nov 10th happens to be the 114th meeting of these two rivals. Has anybody heard of these two teams? Now imagine if one of these small schools took on Michigan and defeated them. The game between Michigan and App. State is a huge upset and will be remembered and replayed forever. I would say few if any in Michigan knew of App. State or gave them a moments thought as a threat. This game was supposed to be like a preseason warm up for Michigan.
  24. Better get a hold of one soon. The Dicks Sporting Goods by me had one left, a 7'' M Fast but no Shimano Stradic 2500 to put on it :'(
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