My other hobbies include...
Fishtanks- I have discus and another tank of African Cichlids
I also used to be a health and exercise nut. I worked out 6 days a week, 2 hours each time. I got into powerlifting for about 2 years and decided I was getting to old for all the abuse my body went through plus I need to be home with my family. I used to weigh in at 194-197. I could bench around 375-400lbs, squat 500-600lbs and deadlift around 500-600lbs. The sad thing was, I would get smoked all the time in meets. Just in case, I was natural (steroid free) and so were most of the people I competed against. They had strict testing. I always get a kick out of people who took them. You either got it or you don't. What it takes is patience, genetics, knowledge about your own body, and lots and lots of good food.