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Everything posted by laduckhunter

  1. I just got mine at the eye doctor. I think I paid around $180
  2. T rig = Texas rig. A brush hawg is a type of soft plastic creature bait by a company called zoom.
  3. No kidding. The police do not mess around here I haven;t made it that far east yet, but it is on my todo list.
  4. I have thought about heading up to it, just didn't get a chance this year. I am in northern Louisiana.
  5. I have thought about heading up to it, just didn't get a chance this year. I am in northern Louisiana.
  6. I run a HB 571 in front and a HB 899 on the console. Hopeing to upgrade to something networkable for Christmas to replace the 571.
  7. Right now all I have are 1/2 oz jigs.
  8. I just started using a jig and craw recently. I seem to have a pendulum effect once my bait hits the water. I do not thumb the spool or rotate the handle at all. Should I possibly loosen the spool tension or do I need to just micro-manage pulling line from spool until it hits bottom?
  9. He is wanting to wire 2, 12v batteries in series for a 24v trolling motor, then just use one of the batteries normally to run his 12V applications. I would greatly recommend against it. Your trolling motor will create interference for your FF'ers.
  10. I am super glad I went with at least a 7" screen for SI. After going to the local BPS, looking at the Helix 5 SI in demonstration mode, I believe I would have been unhappy.
  11. Do thy make a distinctive sound when they reach the top water? Gar have a distinctive gasping for air sound a lot of times. Their swim bladder doubles as lung. My wife calls it out each time we hear one when we are fishing.
  12. I finally had the "ah ha" moment when using my electronics this last weekend. I went to a dammed up creek that is 60-70% covered with cypress trees. These types of impoundments have given me non-stop trouble all summer. Goose egg after goose egg. They fish so different than what I normally fish, mainly the river system and creeks which connect to it. When a couple of my buddies wanted to have a little tournament, I decided what the heck, I can afford the $20 and at least I know it will go to a good cause, they stated my "dead" money would buy the beer for Saturday night. We launch at sunrise and spend a few hours circling groups of trees without a bite. My buddies are sending me txt messages of their catches just to rub it in. I stop the boat for 5-10 minutes. I think to myself, I am doing something wrong. As I look down at my Humminbird 899, I am thinking why have this expensive FF if I am not going to use it. For whatever reason, I had this preconceived notion that SI isn't for shallow water as we were fishing in 3-5ft of water. I have my buddy man the trolling motor; I set the SI range to 12 feet. I remember reading 2-2.5 times the depth is an optimal setting, and I direct my friend to drive around. Within 5 minutes, I find a depression ten feet in front of a group of trees with what appears to be four fish suspended right behind it. We stop the boat and catch 3 of the 4 using KVD 1.5's, then following up with Watermelon red baby brush hogs. Rinse and repeat. Over the course of the next hour, we catch 20 bass and bring in a 15lb five fish limit fishing the structure related to cover, instead of blinding throwing at trees. As we pull back up to the boat ramp, the guys are heckling us, asking if we even had a bite. As we pull the 6lb kicker out, their jaws drop We won by four pounds and finally got some respect in the eyes of our friends. I have only been bass fishing for six months down here in Louisiana while the rest of the guys have been fishing their whole lives on these waters. I thought to myself, man; maybe we just got lucky. We try the same technique again later that day and catch 30 more bass. This made me feel good, accomplished and put a smile on my face for days. THEIR dead money bought beer and steaks later that night, and now all of them are asking me questions about how to use their electronics more effectively!!! I consider this a win for bassresource, as 80% of what I know about bass fishing came from this website. A special thanks to Wayne P, who took the time to personally help me choose the FF'er and offered a lot of advice on the transducer, mapping and the overall setup. While I don't expect to have this success all of the time, I will always remember last weekend!
  13. I bought this one on sale a few weeks ago. I am pretty happy with the unit.
  14. I ended up going with navionics + preloaded. I uploaded my first recording of a bayou
  15. I have been thinking about ordering a shoot-thru to handle the higher speed imaging as I do want to make use of DI and 2D and if I am correct the current location would be optimal?
  16. If you ever make it to Louisiana, I owe you a steak or a beer or both
  17. Hello folks! I am preparing to install my new fish finder and I want to see what you guys think. The current 2D transducer is located here: To me it looks like this would have enough clearance under the motor mount and is completely unobstructed from the sides. I was planning on removing the current transducer, filling the wholes and installing a sternmate because I shudder at the thought of actually drilling in the boat for installing. Thoughts or comments?
  18. Getting prepared for my HB 899 installation. It looks like both navionics and lakemaster both have really shotty coverage of my state (Louisiana). Is my best option just getting the AutoChart pro that comes with the zero-line card? Are there any other options that I am missing/ not evaluating?
  19. You guys Rock! Thank you!
  20. LOL, this sounds like a great idea
  21. Unless targeting a specific laydown, I am going to spend at least 15 minutes at a particular spot. If its a flat, maybe a bit longer depending on the size. I am sure this could be a formula of sort, taking in these general ideas. 1.) Physical size of the area you are covering and how well you can cover it. Example: If you backlash every other cast or feel the need to switch lures out a lot, and get hung up, all of these take time away from you covering water. 2.) Your confidence level that fish are holding in this area. 3.) The number of different presentations you plan to run through the area. Right now for me on the river, it is a squarebill/Mid-depth diver, chatterbait, then if I need to slow down, move to some sort of speed craw or brush hog depending on the situation. ** Disclaimer: I just started bass fishing, but this approach has been working for me. I am steadily catching fish in 100+ degree weather
  22. Once again, thank you for this information. It turned out tax free weekend was last week, so I went ahead and got the 89 last night. It was only $800~, $200 less than most places and I get a lot more features. Super excited. It is kinda like being a kid at Christmas who received a toy and no batteries. I can just sit here and look at all its glory
  23. Regarding the HD transducer, I mostly fish a lot of shallow water and hardly ever more than 15 ft. Would this change your decision to do the swap? I have heard the 800Mhz frequency does not do well in shallow water?
  24. I have been exclusively fishing a river for the last few weeks. What works for me, where I am at. KVD 1.5 Black back chartreuse. Fishing any runout or point on the river. We have been finding bass right at the drop off on said points. Digging this crankbait up the point has been eliciting a good amount of fish for me. If the water is flowing well, you need to find places where the current breaks. Bass really don't like the current so they will be stationed somewhere where there is a break in the current to ambush whatever comes by.
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