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Everything posted by icatchlittlebass

  1. Little sout of Pittsburgh, would take me an hour or so to get to the main city.
  2. Hey dudes, been getting into bass fishing hardcore as of late, saw this sight and joined, might end up trying to do a college tournament with my buddy but who knows. Been fishing for bass since I was really young, caught the first one on a jitterbug that my little bro found in the weeds. I also fly fish for trout, steelhead, carp and will be starting to go after some toothy critters with the fly as well if the weather ever cooperates with me. Along with that I do a decent amount of flathead fishing in the Mon river, nothing worth bragging about has been caught though. I just like fishing a lot for whatever species, they are all fun in their own way.
  3. Strangest a fold up camping chair. Grossest would be a condom, the Mon River can be nasty
  4. SMB-Trigger X Worm, fish was around 4 pounds LMB-Biggest on artificial was around 6 on a rage tail shad, biggest overall was on about a 1/4inch worm fishing for bluegill, close to 8 pounds.
  5. Yup, looks like the one, now to find a place to watch it, appreciate it man
  6. Trying to find this older fishing show I used to watch, is maybe 7 to 10 years old, somewhere in that range I believe. If I remember correctly it would pit the shows host against an average joe. I can't remember who it was or anything, just remember watching it from time to time. Any of you guys have any ideas? Kind of a strange question
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