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Everything posted by Southmike1

  1. That livetarget sunfish looks awesome. Been waiting for something like that for awhile. Used to have an older much more crude version similar that i caught some huge fish on. Definitely be picking up a few of those. Mike
  2. Oh yeah I can imagine how the crappie could be a curse. I managed john Kyle state park for awhile and it was a mad house in the spring. Demonic forest where in bama you from?
  3. I love getting away from the big lake, bass boat deal a lot. Seems the older i get the more i appreciate silence, solitude, and unmolested fish. Here in south ms we are blessed with numbers of small streams and rivers that hold a lot of really stupid kentucky spotted bass as well as some really nice largemouth. Just wondering if anyone else canoes or kayaks these small streams/rivers where you live and how you fish them. Mike
  4. Cuba has some huge bass. Rumored several world class fish have been caught in cuba but not registered.
  5. I have heard grenada is getting better. Least you still got huge crappie.
  6. It is a common misconception that big bass stay deep all summer. Deep being a relative term. Here in the south the water gets so hot that without current anything deeper than say 12ft is void of enough oxygen to supportmuch life. Other lakes vary of course because of clarity, temp, nutrients, current, and a whole host of other reasons. Basically just because you fish deeper doesn't mean fish get bigger. This time of year a basses metabolism is in high gear, meaning it has to eat more to survive. Generally the move shallow, 10ft or less to do this on our deep southern lakes, bit the definition of shallow is also relative. I caught a 10lb 5oz hawg in less than 2ft of water last august. So don't think because its hot they won't go shallow.
  7. Bass don't do stuff for no reason. If short fish are in a particular spot, try to duplicate that spot in other areas of the lake. If you are catch shorts at 5ft deep in grass with scattered stumps, then try to find other areas similar to that and see if they are holding larger fish. Another thing is to fish larger baits. If you catch short fish on a 6inch trick worm, try throwing a 10 inch worm. The smaller bass are more aggressive and active than larger fish, and they will often attack a bait before larger fish in the area can. Using larger baits can discourage the smaller fish. Mike
  8. I guess it could. I personally am ashamed to say i have never fished it. Hoping to change that this fall.
  9. Just wondering how many here fish Mississippi waters?
  10. New member here from Mississippi. Life long bass fisherman and really liking the forum so far.
  11. Southmike1


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