Hello everyone. Thanks for taking the time to read this over. My situation........ I got and installed some new Hedgehog bearings in a few reels today - Steez, Zillion, Metanium and Pixy Type R. Everything went smooth..... well except for the tiny retainer wire shooting across the room! Boy was that a bugga to find. Anywho, I went out and made some cast at my local water hole. While I love the added benefits I really do not care for the noise. I liked it silent before.. No biggie I will just go back and change the Pixy Type R back to stock. Problem.................. Somehow all the factory bearings ended up together and now I do not know which ones belong to what. I know which came out of the Metanium but I have no idea of how to tell which came out of the Zillion, Steez or Pixy.
1- Is there anyway to tell them apart?
2- If need be where can I order a factory replacement set? I do not care for the ceramic sound.
Thanks in advance,