Roblo as far as the bugs are concerned I like to use the OFF deep woods! It contains a lot of deet so it works really well after the initial burn, I also wear a long sleeved sun shirt and that also helps keep the skeeters at bay.
At night I usually know where I'm fishing pretty well so I turn all my graphs off, the dimmest of light will attract bugs. The last couple of times I have been out after dark it wasn't the bugs I had to worry about, it was the bats!!! The slightest of noise created by the rod or bait they will go crazy over, I was throwing a chatterbait and the bats were just swarming me.
Rippinlips I don't know where you will be putting in at but on the main lake the only area I wouldn't run would be the Black Forest area which starts at mud creek and ends right before caney flats. You can run it but you just need to run on one side or the other, meaning follow the bank on either side of the lake. Just keep in mind to keep your distance on the big main lake points as some of them do come out a good ways. North of the 147 you just have to use good judgement and pay attention to the visible timber.I would suggest getting a good topography map of the lake. Hope this helps, good luck!