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Everything posted by Jstaz

  1. So here is a newbie question... Does it really matter what orientation I use a specific rod? To clarify, some rods are made for spinning reels and then others have that little finger ledge thing for the spincast reels or baitcasters. I have primarily spinning reels but wanted to use a spinning rod with my baitcaster. So the eyelets that would normally be facing groundward would be facing skyward. I have heard a fishing pro state that it matters but that is only one opinion. I rather not spend addition funds if a have a perfectly good rod already.
  2. I am also new with baitcasters and would like to piggyback this thread with a few questions. I get the backing part of the reels. Does it matter what mono # test I use for backing? And does age of the mono matter as well? If I understand things right age and # test of the back don't matter as you will never ( or shouldn't ever) cast enough line to get to the mono anyway. Correct assumption?
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