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Everything posted by nhpleasantlakebass

  1. happy there aren't snakes like that around my parts. I have owned snakes as pets and been ok, but something about a wild snake crawling in my kayak is horrifying. and I understand the pontoon boat less surface area that does make sense. so besides getting in the water im not sure there truly is a cheap solution to your problem.
  2. try a kayak they only need a few inches of water. that's a decent size pontoon boat might just be the wrong boat for the body of water
  3. For under 50$ your not going to find a better rat then the spro in my opinion.
  4. Thank you that's some great advice I'll give that a try.
  5. pretty fish I think its spawning which is why its so dark..
  6. DS attack rat
  7. I'll give that s try I did try a popper over the nest nothing I'll be back out this afternoon and see what a few days of warm weather has done
  8. Glad it wasn't just me I thought my like button had been revoked. I get the same error
  9. No walleye or yellow perch There's lmb smb white perch sunfish hornpout and trout. I'm thinking some smallies are just starting to nest. It's been cold and rainy all week so the bass aren't really moving much.
  10. so I live on a clear spring fed lake in nh. there are both lmb and smb in it the deepest part is 80 feet. there are no weeds at all in the lake its a sandy rocky bottom for the most part. the water temp Is 55 deg. as I paddle around my lure 11.5 I can see nests a good amount of them but no fish. at first I thought maybe they were from last year, but this morning I went back out and I saw the smallies around them but they were super spooked. as soon as I got anywhere remotely close they were gone. I tried casting from distances couldn't get any interest. I am guessing there building there nests getting ready to spawn not interested in eating at all? what are your thoughts. the lmb are cruising the shore lines as well a little deeper the smallies are nesting in 4ft of water and I've seen some nests as deep as 14 ft.
  11. I drive an Acura SUV have no issues getting it into the j bars by myself
  12. I got my 11.5 in lime camo 3 weeks ago I love this kayak super stable not to heavy I cartop it by myself. and the sonar pod is awesome.
  13. They carry them at Dick's sporting goods in Concord
  14. I would also imagine someone like Ike has a sponsor deal with basscat and he is most likely not allowed to fish in a televised tourney not being in a basscat due to a contract agreement? so mlf decides have a big name like Ike or only allow nitro?
  15. hey guys just wondering if someone could please give me some insight on horseshoe pond in concord. will I be able to launch my kayak there ok? hows the fishing? anyone been there yet this year I've herd good things about it. thanks for your help its much appreciated.
  16. The northern bass are always in for a whooping when you and Shane get together.
  17. Cheapest way is to put it on top and tie it down... But that is not the safest most economical way. For 150$ I got a Malone rack system that can go on any vehicle and it has worked great carrying my feel free lure 11.5 on the highway for a 250 mile round trip so far.. I would look into some type of rack system for any distance
  18. But those wild morrels are sooooooo good
  19. Greetings and welcome. I'm from southern NH as well . some great fishing around here . if you haven't already read through the southern NH thread alot of good info there going back a few years.
  20. Picked up a feel free lure 11.5 today what an amazing boat.
  21. Keep posting the more you post the more pictures you can upload.
  22. So I am a chef by trade. Today was baking day so I decided who can say no to a fresh baked fruit pie and cookies. So this and a thank you card, and an offer to go fishing where I will also provide a home cooked lunch will be my thank you. Appreciate all the ideas everyone. I truly feel blessed I'm getting this back will post pictures of the tackle when I get home to show the magnitude of this event for me
  23. that was another thing I had in mind or a gift certificate to a restaurant if there not into fishing.
  24. I had a family emergency I was bank fishing, loaded up my car as fast as I could and headed for the emergency room. I got home 10 hours later to a message on my home answering machine, which with cell phones hardly ever gets used anymore. Mr. Harvey this is so and so we found your tackle box at the pond and would like to return it. now this is my big tackle bag 1000s of dollars worth of lures in this thing it would take me years to build it back up, not counting all the irreplaceable lures that are either old or just good fish catchers. I want to ask this community what should I do for them in return when I meet to get my tackle this afternoon? im thinking some cash but how much im not loaded by any means, or maybe offer them a day out on my boat this summer? either way I cant begin to explain how thankful I am someone honest found my bag and then used my fishing license to track me down makes me have a little faith in society.
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