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Everything posted by nhpleasantlakebass

  1. I am deff excited about the feel free overdrive. Also this nucanoe with the bow mounted trolling motor is pretty sweet.
  2. I like tying knots but have no confidence in tying a leader. And also curious Its a small connection so could be used with micro guides
  3. looks like this is on the market now anyone give it a try on a leader knot?
  4. I'm sorry if I took it the wrong way then. I shall be more observant for the lol in the future. In the end I'm just happy I figured out what the issue was and my reel is now working correct.
  5. I guess for me I found it to be extremely rude. the forums are here to ask questions and learn.
  6. thank you everyone who are mature and actually gave input. I put backing on the reel last night and as thought problem solved thank you all for the help its much appreciated. jokes are typically funny but thanks for being a valued member of society.
  7. Had a curado... it's nice and all but I don't think it's anything special. I get much more bang for my buck with Lew's.
  8. I just bought a brand new Lew's Mach 1 baitcaster. I love everything about the reel, it cats like a dream and the retrieve is very smooth. I have it spooled up with 30# power pro. But as the title States only half the time my drag will work, the other half I can freely pull out line with little to no resistance. Then I will turn the handle a few times and won't be able to pull any drag at all. Which is what I would expect with the drag locked down. Any help is greatly appreciated. Should I just call Lew's? Or is the issue with the braid maybe slipping on the spool?
  9. that depends on the state. in new Hampshire this year any lead under 1 oz is illegal . doesn't matter the length or size.
  10. Ya there both orra sx got them last year. Been great reels for me.
  11. I have both the orra sx 20 and 30 and I love them with 10lb power pro. I really have had no line twist problems. for me I get the worst line twist on my shimano sharra. but everyone is different. there deff is no reel that's going to do well targeting both of those species though. id look into a penn if you plan on targeting those big cats often.
  12. Congrats on that monster nice.
  13. Welcome to the forums i fish mostly small ponds and such in the southern NH area.
  14. Those look awesome thanks.
  15. I live in NH we can not use any jigs that are lead and under 1 oz so I'm looking for a good alternative shroom style jig head I can throw the Ned rig on. Hoping someone might have some good ideas. Thanks In advance.
  16. This site is amazing because of all the people who put there time and effort into it. I just want to say thank you for continuing to make the best site on the internet even better.
  17. why would umbagod be any different? just curious. on pleasant lake I never saw any lmb on beds at all. one side on my dock theres a sunfish the other side a smb, both on nests the small mouth has been on that nest for almost 4 weeks? did the largies just finish up and spawn deep? I see them cruising the shorelines every morning, usually in pairs one always about twice the size as the other.
  18. Got out for a few hours before work on friday. Finally felt conditions were right to try out my new spro rat 40. Water temps were high 60s, and the skies were overcast air temp high 50s low 60s. I was correct the conditions were perfect for the rat i got 7 lmb in just over 2 hours. What a blast nothing huge biggest was 3.4 all others were between 1 and 2.8oz.
  19. More then 8 In pretty sure it's closer to 15 my uncle has a few and lives them to this day. They were around 200$ brand new back then which was alot.
  20. Where is the launch on Harvey Lake? I live on pleasant lake and have been wanting to try my yak in some smaller bodies. I did catch this guy from freezes pond on Friday last week
  21. It's ok I figured them out thanks for the help guys
  22. im look at the feelfree lure. you can find a used 11.5 for around your price. the 10s are 1000$ new. but its a super stable kayak I love my 11.5.
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