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Everything posted by nhpleasantlakebass

  1. Megabass soft plastics and spinners and some mega strike
  2. Is this the original version doesn’t even has rolands signature.
  3. Found the motherload of older megabass all dates 2001/2002
  4. Looked up the topper. Not sure that’s it. Thank you though. I’m amazed with how much trouble I’m having getting an ID on these last 3 baits. I’ve been searching for 2 weeks.
  5. Thanks for the info. Whopper stopper must not have advertised this lure much. I can’t find anything. Looking through the history of whopper stopper. The hunt continues for this elusive lure. I did see a post talking about whopper stopper lures on here from 2015 and Raul talked about what sounds like a lipless crank that he could change out the inserts.
  6. I believe the rattletrap is a rebel not sure on the model though. The one on most interested in is the one on the top. It looks like you open it up and can switch out the foil on inside for colors. Really cool but can’t find any info on it.
  7. Found this an my dads tackle box. Well I found a lot more but identified the rest. Having trouble with these last 3. Particularly the clear one that has all the different inserts. I was thinking Multi-lure Co. but can’t finf much history on that company. Hoping some of these combined minds can help me out. Thanks guys.
  8. There’s information in these you won’t find online
  9. I agree fishing facts is by far the most informative magazines out there. I have 48 of them. Have read them all. Would be willing to sell them if anyone’s interested
  10. Is this the trailer to your boat? If so curious how smaller wheels would do on dirt
  11. Catching smallies on jerk baits is always fun, And my wife's first fish catch ever. First time I ever tried out the ned rig. We both hooked up first cast
  12. Nothing in nuts pond try Stevens pond down the road there's tons of fish in there
  13. I have herd sometimes on casting reels with big baits the power handle can cause the reel to engage causing I sudden snap of line and very expensive bait gone soaring
  14. All the body's of water I've been on throughout s. NH ,water is hovering 58-62. LMB don't seem to be eating much this week think. I've seen some cruising the shorelines. But they aren't interested in eating. Caught about 5 Smb off beds at pleasant in Deerfield. So easy there with the clear water. I don't like bed fisihing but it's a way to feel the tug when times are tuff.
  15. Interesting mine is 1.33 with the hooks I bet without it is 1.1. Wouldn't surprise me if it was a consistency issue. Oh well. I'll be able to test it out soon enough
  16. Just picked one up at my store today. They had atleast 5 in every color. But still can't get the boss glide to try. They had one small boss glide but I say go big or don't go at all.
  17. I would prefer the 5" version but my store doesn't have it in stock
  18. I have been wearing Maui Jims for 2 seasons and although expensive they are well worth it. Top quality.
  19. I haven't seen any fish on beds but have been seeing water temps from 55 to 63
  20. the falcon bucoo is an unbelievable rod for the money light and super sensitive I love all 5 of mine
  21. All set up thanks for the help everyone.
  22. I'm wondering how many amps the striker 4dv pulls. Or how long it will run on 8ah battery. I don't have the owner manual, and can't find anything searching online. Anybody have an idea? Thank you
  23. Awesome thanks any idea what there called? And I can get them at my local hardware store. Sorry I have no idea what I'm really doing here.
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