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Everything posted by nhpleasantlakebass

  1. Thank you for the advice, got a Abu Garcia orra sx30 spinning real on a st. Croix triumph poll at goodwill this weekend for 5$. So I went to just through a few casts and play with the new setup on lunch today. I tied on a white spinner bait tossed it a few feet past the single tree standing right at the little beach area and first cast boom 22" pickerel smacked it. It was awesome to finally catch something out of there even if it wasnt a bass, made the rest of my work day nice as well. As far as the other two bodies of water I'm not sure have not checked them out yet. But I did notice mill brook looks to be maybe feeding beaver pond, mill brook flows from turtle pond which has a decent fish population. It might not be the bass heaven that it looks like from shore but hell catching a fish in the 15 minute window on lunch makes a great day.
  2. Caught 5 bass at beaver lake last night on my friends boat deep in the weeds all in one cove biggest wasjust over 2 lbs. Bake to pleasant lake for the weekend iI'm pretty sure I saw the state record in there this morning but I had to get to work.maybe hell still be swimming around my dock tonight
  3. I have 3 of the okuma stratus v I got all at dicks on sale 30$ each a great real for the price
  4. Fished massabesic from shore this morning for about 2 hours before work. Caught two small lmb around a lb each on frogs. Then caught a 17 inch pickerel on a bone colored live pointer. He destroyed it going to try beaver pond in Derry tonight never fished there before any advice?
  5. So I went today on my lunch like always, bought a spro frog last night, first cast bang, the biggest snapper I have ever seen stole my frog. Any chance you checked it out today nev?
  6. I always thought that was horshoe pond right there
  7. I have herd good things about nhti haven't fished it yet, it it possible to bank fish
  8. Yes its viewable from the road good luck Ill normally stop after work and on my lunch so I'll be there around 6 tomorrow night
  9. Not sure about the map but its about .5 mile past the school on curtsville st. You go under power lines on a dirt road and its there on your right. I have a picture of it but its to big to upload
  10. Its pretty small from what I herd it was created by beavers from the Merrimack
  11. Its not very big a few acres at most. Its near mill brook elementary school down a dirt road. And you could deff get a canoe in there,
  12. Nice fish looks like you had a good time. How deep of water can you anchor with that system nev?
  13. Ya its always been good fishing for me some 6+ lb lmb and 4+ lb smb the average catch for me has gotten much bigger since the state upgraded the launch, selfishily I wish they never did the launch was really bad before scared a lot of people away. The reason they did the upgrade is they started to stock the lake with trought about 8 years ago. The lmb are on the docks since there are no weeds in the lake its there best cover I have lots of luck with big boys under swim floats in 8-12 ft of water. The smallies tend to get caught in just 3 different places its a small lake look for some hidden rock piles in about 20 ft of water.
  14. So its off east side drive I fish it during my lunch break. It looks like there should be some nice fish in there but I can't get a bite, I've seen fish jump and huge schools of minnows swimming, also there's frogs everywhere and tons of salamanders swimming around. Anyone ever bring a boat out there and had luck?
  15. Hey everyone I'm new to the thread been fishing in nh for over 20 years almost exclusively pleasant lake in deer field anyone ever fish there. Happy bassin
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