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Everything posted by RiverDave

  1. Most smartphones have some kind of notes app built in. Put the basic information in and it's easy to update. I bet your phone is always handy. Also helps when you go shopping and want to remember what you have.
  2. San Luis Obispo, CA, United States 09/09/2015 9:01 P.M. We left the package in our facility. This may cause a delay. We will deliver as quickly as possible. / Delivery will be rescheduled. Me too. Now I'm a shakey head.
  3. Or I could die once I got home from the store. Interesting choice. Either way, I should stop and fish first.
  4. Okay. That's the medium power Ugly Stik. The web site says it handles 1/4 to 5/8 oz. lures and 6 - 14 lb. test line. The extra length should help casting. Load it up with a 1/4 to 1/2 oz weight and watch the reel and how the line flows off when you cast. That's the next factor in my opinion. Get that out of the way and you can move on to techniques, what to throw, etc. Good luck!
  5. Hmmm. Something is going on. The GX2 lists 4 rods at 6'. The Light, Medium and Medium Heavy all can handle 1/4 oz. The Heavy is rated for 3/8 to 1 oz. Which GX2 6' rod do you have? The Sedona 4000 is a good size (big) reel. The specs say it can spool 240 yards of 8 lb. (20 lb. braid = 6 lb. test). Is your reel filled properly? If not, it won't "fly" off the reel and get caught on the edge. Check that the rod can handle it and the reel is filled properly. What are the specs on your incoming 7' rod? Hope this helps..
  6. The gators are more interested in my topwaters than the bass are. Especially the one in my photo. Sheesh.
  7. Interesting discussion. I am like the OP as a limited left-handed, mostly right-handed person. Recently into baitcasting, I have both a right handed and left handed baitcaster. For years, without much thought, I used left handed spinning reels. It became the norm. I use both baitcaster reels while throwing the rod with my right hand. Both retrieves work well but I have to mentally adjust to the "hand manipulation" movements (like drag adjustments, etc.). I should probably stick to one style so there isn't that "adjustment" to make or confusion in the heat of battle. The choice will be mine. They should call them "handle on left side" and "handle on right side" so people don't necessarily think they have to use a certain one. Just my thoughts. Dave.
  8. I agree with flyfisher. Separate the brand into a separate column. By sorting, you can see what brands you favor or you can try other brands for a similar use. I use a spreadsheet myself. Good idea. Dave.
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