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S. Sass

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Everything posted by S. Sass

  1. Guess the free shipping offer is over. My account is showing $5.99 shipping. I was logged in as well to my account.
  2. I don't know if it's a "better" design but I have a the Pond Prowler they sell these at Bass Pro. IF they were going to be on sale I bet you just missed it. They did have a $100 kickback to open a Bass Pro CC though. Not sure there may be other deals.
  3. I use braid on all my baitcasters and have no issues that i am aware of besides operator error. I thought the opposite that braid was easier to use. Tells you what I know.
  4. The Tournament Ripple 9" is there but it has the ribbon tail the OP didn't want. For those that have trouble slinging the large worms off finesse the cast a little. Paul Elias throw these worms successfully. Its not the same as a crankbait etc where you can just sling the hell out of it and not expect it to possibly move a little. It is a long soft skinny piece of plastic and has to be treated that way. As with all different baits techniques are different including the cast. The Mann's 12" Jelly Worm with hardnose is a option that would give a little more strength at the hook. This is the Hardnose version that is not the same as the identical in appearance The Original 12" Jelly Worm. Another 10" option with the paddle tail would be the http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Uptons_UC_Worm_10_8pk/descpage-UPTUCWM.html. I have no experience with the UC Worm but maybe someone else does. Here are a few no name brand on ebay.
  5. Brannans is not 5 minutes from me. Very close to Pat Mays Lake. Very nice and knowledgeable people at Brannans as well. A lot of people around here are into fishing or at least the husbands are. Burtonxj I use Med Hvy with F tip 7ft Mojo Bass rod with Lews 6.4 reel with strait braid
  6. I suggest some really thick window blinds, or a resignation letter.
  7. You didn't mention if you had to actually pay for it, or if it was like something you won a lifetime supply of for free. Realistically I guess Spiderwire or Power Pro. Readily available and reasonable cost. Toss a coin to decide. I have had great luck with both.
  8. I honestly never had or used any that claim to make "electronic" noise. I presume that the technology is out there but to me I consider them gimmicks for now.
  9. I second the Lew's Speed Spool LFS, the BPQ is a great reel as well. I see many who favor the Shimano Citica too but personally have little experience with them. If you watch the Flea Market in these forums you could get a nice $100 reel for around $50. I've bought a couple and have seen others. For one to start and see if you even like them that would be a safer bet.
  10. So we need to order now before they get closed down.
  11. My Walmart carries the Mann's 12" They are down at the very bottom of the section with the plastics. They usually only have a couple colors. Right now they just have the Watermelon Red color in the 12" but it works well too. $3.94 a pack of 10
  12. Did you see the weight? Those are some big bearings. 7.4oz That is no light weight, fishing with a bowling ball anyone ???
  13. There is some very good information on this very topic in several threads I listed just some of them that seems to be better directed to your question. But a site search for tubes opens a plethora of great reading on this topic. Everything from the size, color, style, brand, hooks to use, and how to fish them. All has been covered numerous times.
  14. Manns Jelly worms are. Not sure on the others.
  15. Not to change the subject but a lot of stuff has done this. Sliced cheese has cut back on slices and numerous other things sold by the number. I read a article last year that listed a long list of items that the price hadn't changed but you quietly got less.
  16. Exactly ^^^ I use grape or blackberry
  17. Same here. I fish for fishing and relaxation etc. Counting,and keeping track would be more of a chore to me. Obviously others enjoy counting and logging as well as fishing and that is cool as long as they are having fun.
  18. At that price for a baitcaster I just can't believe it is worth the small $25 risk. Could be wrong but I'd bet it doesn't have a metal frame. To me doesn't matter how good the rest is if its all plastic.
  19. I pulled a zman plastic off and out of habbit tossed it in a Plano box. Luckly I went through my tackle the next day and it was already embedding itself into the plastic box and some other used worms of different brands.
  20. Over 3000 posts in this fishing forum alone and you dont know or can't figure out what he is doing? Google pre rigged plastic.
  21. Just my opinion once they win and have their relevance it no longer a matter of finishing in the elite few. It's all about the sales pitch he can put on. Look how many have sponsors that don't finish in the top. As long as he can convince fishermen they need the stuff they are pushing he doing his job. All about the $$$
  22. I sure would like to check out the TW store to compare personnel but since it is 1,619 miles from me I cant really compare in person. Gander employees have always been polite and helpful but really haven't done a lot of shopping there where I need warranty.
  23. Ill agree 6 to 7 would be a good estimate. Nice fish by any standard.
  24. I would guess that would depend on the persons ability to tie knots properly.
  25. Maybe he uses snaps or swivels?
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