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S. Sass

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Everything posted by S. Sass

  1. Lawyer up. You need to be on top of things first legally. Playing from ahead seems to work better than playing from behind. Once you pick your lawyer do exactly as he/she says. It's always better to be on the same page as your lawyer. Also it use to be that the woman pretty much had a cake walk in these cases. Not so much any more. Good luck. Oh don't send her a dime that you don't have a record of exactly what it was for etc.
  2. On that same note I just bought a brand new Lew's Speed Spool SSG1S for $65 for my crankbait rod and a Lews Tournament MB for $61.00 on Ebay. I have also bought a couple a decent reels off the flea market here on these forums for a great price.
  3. Man I was thinking about a post like this when I got my new Aetos rods this week. It is almost sacrilegious to put those hooks where they will be rubbing and lure banging on the rod. Seriously I always used the hook keeper but I never owned a $180 type rod and I had reservations when I was setting them up here in the house. I actually hooked a reel like the way you have pictured and realized that the large spinner bait hook could contact the line. I was afraid it would nick it up so I moved the hook to the reel handle. Maybe after I use them a trip or two and get them dirty it wont bother me. I typically am not that guy that is freaking over his cork getting a drop of sweat on it so hopefully my nerves will chill a little after I catch a few.
  4. I agree new2BC4bass. I ordered one last Friday happened to look at the website the following Monday and they were 50% off!!! So I ordered a second. Its taking all I have to not order a third now that I have seen them they are incredible for $102.00 the lifetime warranty is worth a chunk alone. They are very light weight, in the 4 oz range, and look stunning. I cant see how people are passing a nearly $200 rod up for 1/2 price with free shipping to boot for other rods that are typical $100.00 ish price range rods at full price. I'm considering it saving $ as they should last with the warranty as long as I need them to. I cant wait to give mine a thorough workout early in the morning.
  5. I actually was wanting a worm rod too and ask Fenwick specifically about this. This is a direct quote from the email response. I may be different than most with the action on my worm rods. If I had two separate manufacturers MH rods I would like the one that had a more Medium feel to it all else being equal. So I am hoping this is the ticket. It is light weighing only 4.48 oz and looks incredible for the price I paid. Might be a option for you.
  6. You know Fenwick Aetos are 1/2 price right now on Fenwick website right? I just got two this week and they are very very nice. For $102.00 at my door with a lifetime warranty. These are awesome if they fish 1/4 of as good as they look. Tomorrow morning they will be tested heavily.
  7. They are extremely pretty. I didn't even know how crazy the paint was on them as their pictures do not reflect the ghost like color changes. I actually thought I got the new model by accident because the picture colors on their website look nothing like the rods I got. Definitely a plus in my book. All I can say is if pretty caught fish I would need a 3rd live well.
  8. Second Aetos showed up today barely. Both ends were missing from the shipping tube. One end still had the round shaped foam padding still in the other only had the bubble wrap they had put around the end of the rod making for a interference type fit. But as scared as I was I eased it out and she is perfectly fine. The second one is a MODEL # A701MHMFC ROD HANDLE TYPE B LINE RATING 10-20 LURE RATING 1/4-1 WEIGHT 4.34 ROD BLANK MATERIAL Graphite ROD HANDLE MATERIAL TAC HOOK KEEPER Yes GUIDES INCLUDING TIP 10 GUIDE TYPE Titanium ROD BUTT Rubber Oh and I still have 2 Lew's reels on the way.
  9. Ill second this opinion. ^^^ The "better" Lews reels start at $99 retail with a solid aluminum frame. I haven't actually put aftermarket bearings in my reels but I have read this type thread several times here and its a pretty common answer that if there is no mechanical issue your not gaining much if anything.
  10. I think this is one too
  11. Congrats to the man.
  12. ^^^ Right now that is going to be near impossible to beat. I got my first Aetos today in the mail and I can say its a beauty. As for a reel the Lew's Tournament edition is dang hard to beat for the money. I have my second one in the mail coming as I type this. Extremely reliable very smooth cast a mile and very comfortable to me and I have large hands. I will agree its what feels best to you and works. But a 4.48 oz Aetos rod and a Lew's Tournament reel sure make a nice combo that definitely work. IMHO
  13. Man its hard to follow up a AJ post. But all the same I received one of my new Fenwick Aetos MODEL # A741MFC LINE RATING 10-17 LURE RATING 1/4-3/4 WEIGHT 4.48 ROD BLANK MATERIAL Graphite GUIDE TYPE Titanium Should be another Aetos coming tomorrow and 2 Lew's reels are on the way as well.
  14. I'm not hating on anyone for their opinion. True everyone has opinions but to be parading misinformation around is to me just as bad as keeping fish is to you all. It is like this line you said. How in the world does everyone know you keeping your limit or even a few legal fish is negative? I hear some that think no one should keep bass directly associating that to taking fish will negatively affect it. As if they know this as fact. The point is neither side generally has a clue if they are negatively affecting the fishing. Unless you are in on the studies and managing of the water or possibly read some recent article(s) with sources from a valid study none of you have a clue other than an assumption. Just like this article will show you sometimes to many Bass or other fish need to be removed. http://www.bassresource.com/fish_biology/stocking_adult_bass.html But the misinformation just keeps being repeated until some think its gospel. Man has been eating fish since the beginning of time. I seriously doubt we will run out of Bass. Unless Sasquatch people come out of hiding. Well I tell ya what I have seen many a guy/gal in icy conditions pass me and a few minutes later I see them as they sit in the ditch. Did they break the law, no. Was it the right thing to do? Maybe maybe not. You shouldn't care its not any of your/my business. I stop and check on them and/or pull them out and move on. Do you know those people? No so quit judging them. They may have very good reason for going faster than you think they should. Could be sick or hurt or pregnant. You don't know could be anything or nothing. Maybe these people fell on hard times and they are trying to feed their kids. How would this look. You assume you know all, start griping at a legal person fishing to feed their family and your worried about a sport fish. I believe they have a name for that these days. Women use them monthly. Or worse yet you catch a bullet as you caught the wrong person at the wrong time in his/her life. Over a stupid bass that you had no business with and wasn't yours to start with. What is it these days where everyone thinks they need to be in everyone's business. Not everyone that lives on this planet fish for sport only. Glad for those that do I do at times as well. But it would be a big mistake, and I hope it doesn't happen, where someone comes up to me and tries to get crappy about me legally keeping my fish.
  15. The thread was just a round about way of giving safety reminder. AJ posting those videos should wake some of us slackers up. I am guilty of not hooking up every time. Usually when I am just making a short run I skip hooking up. Hopefully I will make a better effort now. That was just brutal to watch but it can happen to any of us.
  16. So if you borrow money to buy a home or a automobile you need to pay it off at the end of the month or your living above your means? Credit is credit. Some lenders are better than others but borrowing money is part of life. Doesn't mean anything unless you borrow more than your financially capable of paying back. Or your immature and do not pay your debts in a agreed to manner.
  17. Guess I didn't know jersey lanyards existed till now. Thanks
  18. What lake was killed by keeping large or even average size bass?
  19. Now in the second video just what was so important that Greg was flying (no pun intended) so fast and so close behind that other boat? Was there mechanical failure? The first video if the driver wasn't knocked out someone should knock his ___ out. There were several hints God or Karma already shook that boat a few times and he didn't let up. The old saying, Play stupid games win stupid prizes seems to fit.
  20. What made me think about it was this pic. My key is on the left of the steering wheel with a red lanyard and would be obvious. It just caught my attention because mine is always hanging there and yours wasnt.
  21. How many of you actually wear it? Come on now be honest you wont get a ticket.
  22. Lord a mercy!!! I leave you grown men alone in here and come back several pages later to find Sasquatch has taken over. Seems the na sayers are looking for bones well let me tell ya why you haven't found any... Sasquatch cant be killed!!!
  23. To d**n much.
  24. Not saying it cant happen but I have had the entire deck off my boat and thoroughly cleaned it. There are no loose hooks. 99% of the time it is me and my fishing partner on the boat. He knows Ill kill him and throw his body in the lake with my anchor tied to him if he throws or loses a hook in my boat and doesn't tell me. Yeah there is a "possibility of getting a hook in a bare foot" but there is a possibility of your truck rolling into the lake too. You don't quit putting your boat in you just be somewhat intelligent and keep your hooks picked up and accounted for. Good point on slick decks. Mine is almost entirely carpet but the very front and very back and it does need new no slip tape.
  25. As everyone stated all boats vary but for a reference my 18' Aluminum 2000 SeaArk with the 115hp 2 stroke Johnson carrying 2 men and a a lot of tackle will do 49mph on a GPS This is a 18' boat with a 7' beam and a dry weight of 1315 lbs. The only modification to it that I am aware of is the 13 1/2 X 21 Stainless Prop.
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