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  • Gender
  • Location
    Tri cities, Washington
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Columbia river, walla walla river, potholes,
  • Other Interests
    Golf, camping, hiking, outdoors

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  1. I almost lost it when I saw this! I have a lake here in south eastern wa that has Giants! Everytime we go, we catch a 7+ but ive seen two bass cruzing the bank together, that under water, look to be 10+. They make the 7's we've caught look like dinks! so congratulations to mr Evans. But come next spring when the big girls in this lake are spawning, I'm catching that new record! Haha
  2. Here's another 7+ out of my secret lake in south eastern wa. And a good 4.06
  3. Fishing has been good lately at the secret lake ? Caught my 3rd 7+ out of this lake for the year and a good 4.06
  4. Let's get together and fish sometime. I don't have a boat so I mostly fish from shore unless I rent a boat at potholes.
  5. I'm not familiar with that lake but if it's anything like here, clear water and very pressured. Than the best thing you could wish for is a little wind. Wind with clear water here is the best time to catch them. Throw something like chatterbaits or square bills. And burn them. If there's no wind and it's clear water than you'll have to go super finesse. Shakey heads and drop shots work the best for me. Hope that helps. Tight lines!
  6. Let's link up and fish!
  7. What part of Washington are you in? I'm in south eastern wa. I catch a lot of largemouth on frogs, spooks, rat L traps, jigs. You name it. Depends on your lake. Water color. Conditions etc
  8. Would you guys recommend fishing them with fluoro?
  9. Alright. Thanks guys! In heading to the tackle shop than to my frog hole.
  10. Just got an order of about 50 of these to try and I have a few questions for people who have fished them. 1. Does a twist lock double hook work better with them or a twist lock single? 2. Do you find it more affective to fish them upside down? (With the flat side up) 3. Do they come through cover ok? Or do they get hung up because they are Texas rigged?
  11. Well I cleaned it and did what the yellow card said to do. I'm going fishing in 3 days if it's still making that noise I will call shimano
  12. The only maintenance I've done to the reels is what it says on the yellow card that comes in the box. I don't really trust myself to do much more because I don't know what I'm doing. And I don't want to break the reel since it's so expensive
  13. I Ok. I bought it from a local tackle shop over a month ago so I don't think I can exchange it with them but I guess I can try. If not I'll give shimano a call. Thanks!
  14. So I recently picked up another curado and have only fished it maybe 5-6 times now. And last time I went out, it started to make a weird kinda gritty noise. And it only happens when I'm retrieving my lure. And, it doesn't happen everytime. It doesn't seem to hinder performance. But it's really annoying especially cause it's brand new. I own 3 other curado and none of the other make that noise. You guys have any ideas on what it could be?? Also when I'm retrieving the lure and it begins to make that noise I can also kinda feel it in the handle. Bad reel? Should I send it to shimano?
  15. Hey thanks! I found this lake just recently and I'm telling you there is definitely a new state record in there. Went there again 3 days ago and my buddy caught a 7.04lber and we caught a few 5-6's. This place is loaded. And all the big 6+ lbers chase in the little 3lbers when we are catching them. Anywhere from 6-10 at a time. We saw two fish that looked to be 28+ inches and thick. I'm guessing 12-15lbs cause they made my 7.08 look tiny.
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