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About ghost123123

  • Birthday July 8

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Lewiston, ID
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Dworshak Reservoir. Snake River.

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  • About Me
    Retired, have limited areas to fish for bass, and I don’t fish as often as I would like to.

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  1. I know of a large propane company on the west coast that does the bottle exchange. They put no more than 3 gallons in each bottle for exchange. That’s why it seemed to you to not last as long, it’s because you had less propane to work with. Personally, I have my bottles filled for a third of the price that they charge around here for exchange bottles. I usually am able to get a little over 4 gallons in my bottle and that is with the OPD (that ensures the bottle is not overfilled). Take it for what it is worth.
  2. 42 years for my lovely bride & myself. Heck, I can’t hardly stand putting up with me for 68 years, haven’t got a clue how she does it.❤️
  3. I have a 2018 Ulterra and have used it on spot lock at the dock, both unloading and loading. I have never had an issue, but there is a first time for everything. Not sure which remote you have but mine shows when it is spot locked. The remotes are sensitive and if you bump a button it will change the command. I constantly look at the remote while parking or retrieving the truck to load to ensure it’s still spot locked. On the flip side about a month ago I decided to use cleats and a stretchy rope with built in loops for the cleats. Came back with the truck to put the boat on the trailer and the boat had floated away from the dock. Of course I had shut the power down on the TM, left the remote in the boat and taken my life jacket off. I swim like a rock so that was not a solution. Luckily a life ring with a rope attached was on the dock. I was able to throw the ring in the bow and slowly pull the boat to the dock. I won’t be shutting down the power to the TM anymore and I will have the remote with me when parking or retrieving the truck. Guess bad things can happen regardless of which method you choose. Glad it worked out for you in this instance.
  4. 33 will give you more flotation.
  5. Heard the same story, no one at fish & game will confirm the rumor and it was at Dworshak Reservoir near Orofino, ID. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was/is true as there are some big bass in that body of water. I guess we’ll never know unless someone catches it.
  6. Personally I don’t like it. I think the viewing will stink and we get to watch these pros watch tv looking for bigger fish to target. Don’t care for the weight carry over from the knockout round to the championship. I guess I’ll get more chores done around the house. I just don’t like the change of format at all. Just my two cents worth and I’m sure it’s not worth that.
  7. Cabelas and Bass ProShops sell float devices for rods, come in a pack of 3. Can be a pain but if you get them positioned correctly they do not interfere with bait casters or spinning reels. Can’t recall the price but much cheaper than replacing a rod & reel. Good luck in your search, hope you find something. I got them because I lost a $300.00 setup to a hard strike and sun screen on my hands. Worst case of juggling I have ever done, pretty helpless feeling watching your setup swim to the bottom of the river.
  8. 35 is more likely to float you face up should you have a medical condition that puts you in the water, at least that is my understanding and the application I use it for.
  9. Find a sporting goods store that sells Cocoons, polarized glasses that fit over your existing glasses. They come in a variety of colors and you can try them on until you find a color that works best for your eyes. Cheaper than a pair of prescription Polaroid sunglasses. That’s what I use and am happy with them, have several pair with different shades.
  10. Thank you. Thank you to all my fellow veterans past and present.
  11. I have yet to find one that acts as a Class I life jacket, that says it will float an unconscious person face up. There are some that say they may float an unconscious person face up but they are equivalent to a Class II life jacket. One thing I have discovered is the better auto’s have the larger 38 gram cartridge that may float you face up. Sounds like bigger is better in this case. If anyone knows of a auto that is Class I, I would love to hear about it.
  12. Personally can’t stand to watch the guy. Might be great at what he does, but I think he watched too much pro wrestling growing up, and as an after thought he probably thinks that it is real.
  13. Years ago I was forced to promise to my youngest daughter I would always wear a life jacket while on the water as I fish alone most of the time. As I swim like a rock it was probably the smartest promise I ever made. Used to wear a mesh pfd, great for warmth in the winter, but rather uncomfortable when it was hot. I bought my first auto/manual pfd from Cabelas. Then I bought two more and then two more so all family members would have one. Some have the 24 ounce cartridges and the others have the 33 or 38. If I had to do it all over again all of the pfd’s would have 38 cartridges. They are more apt to float you face up if you get knocked out cold. Bps doesn’t have the selection it used to so options from them are limited. Do own one Mustang HIT and I’m very impressed with it. I don’t know how many times I’ve docked the boat, gotten out and started walking to the truck before I realize I still am wearing the pfd. Just thought I would throw in my two cents worth on the topic. I am sure you will find what you are looking for.
  14. Otter?
  15. Yeah, and then a couple of weeks later the bug would get you. Then you would have to go and buy all new gear cause you know that giant is still out there and you could catch her again.
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