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Everything posted by AdamsEye

  1. I throw a very similar setup, only 6'8", 14 or 12lb and fast action with topwater trebles. I fish my frogs on a rod very similar to his, with 60lb braid. Kinda funny how that worked out. I never fished to much topwater until a few years ago when it just grew on me. Now I probably fish to much topwater lol!
  2. Nice fish, I am sure that was a good fight. I have never caught a muskie or pike, just pickerel. But I agree that the wake behind your bait makes my heart pound too! Thanks for sharing!
  3. Good to hear you got it worked out, and had a good day's fishing! I agree with getting a pair of hip waders, it can really open up the water for $30. It's seems like boat or no boat, you had a good day. I would say you did fine without one today!
  4. You can either try to draw them out, if that don't work you might have to go in after them. I fish a lot of the same conditions, and I always start with a surface bait to try and draw out a strike. Buzzbait, frog, what ever I can work up top with out getting hung up a lot. When I can't draw them out of the grass, that is when I start to key in on specific targets with in the grass. I don't like to just cast into grass and work a bait through it, as much as I like to punch into spots that I think might hold a fish. I can rule out productive area's faster by hitting holes or other targets. Sometimes I use a trick worm and let it fall into the grass, and any open pockets I see. This can help trigger a strike that a topwater bait might not get.
  5. Braid used to slip on older spools, then they started making spools to prevent that. Backing used to be a must, but most newer spools are braid ready and it is not a must anymore. I personally don't use a backer with braid, even on my OLD reels. I have a Abu Eon that I have kept braid on since Spider wire first came out, never had an issue. That is about 20 years now. Having said that, buying mono and a smaller spool of braid will make it more affordable, but I would not say you have to back it with mono. The other reason you might want to back the spool, is to help the small diameter braid fill the spool. Some times 330 yards of braid will only half or 3/4 ways fill a spool. You don't want it over filled, but you want it as close to full as possible to help with casting. Welcome to the forums!
  6. With the tension set your bait should fall slowly. When the bait hits the water it should stop falling and the spool should have just enough tension on it to prevent it from over running. This is the way I set up all my baitcast reels; Rod out horizontal to the water with the bait a few inches from the tip. I like to start with the tension higher then needed, and decrease it with the spool released until it starts to fall slowly. I like to dial them so the spool stops with out over running and leaves my bait mostly in the water. I would start there, dial that tension knob to the bait your are throwing. See what kind of difference it has, might work might not.
  7. If you don't know where or how to find the fish a boat won't do anything but make it easier to move around the water. Knowing seasonal patterns, the bait in the water your fishing, and how the fish react to weather is far more vital then having a boat. A boat only gives you access, not the skill of finding fish.
  8. The more line between your rod tip, and your lure, the further your cast will be. The less tension on the spool, the faster it will spin and your lure can travel. To fast = backlash. Are you noticing a difference in distance between a soft frog versus a hollow bodied or popper? Or is this more of an overall distance issue?
  9. What is your favorite top water lure? (who makes it, price, where you bought, color?) Heddon Spittin image, I liked the larger profile. I bought it to fish a pond which had no shad, just gill crappie and perch. Seems to be a hot item for me, but I am probably the only one throwing it too. Under what circumstances will you throw any type of top water lure? In those spur of the moment fish jumps, drop current rod grab topwater rod and cast. Try and remember what bait it is while the lure travels lol! What do you throw when there's vegetation underneath the surface? I like a wake bait, Mann's 1 minus works for me. What do you throw when there is duckweed or lily's on top? Light patches of pads get a floating worm, the heavy stuff gets a soft or hollow frog. Are there any top water lures you've tried that you do NOT suggest? I would say stay away from less durable baits just to save money if you have the chance of catching toothy critters as well.
  10. I feel like I should not say it, but I am new to the forums and might be forgiven? Why not a Revo, I really like mine. That being said I would suggest looking for a good sale right now, and getting the best bang for your buck. You can probably look at reels $50 higher to be safe with the current sales. Now seems like a good time to buy a pricey reel.
  11. If you are casting on a tight line, the bait will fall on a curve towards you. When you are casting past your target this is not a real big factor. When you are trying to hit a target deeper, or with a long cast, you want that slack line to keep the bait falling where you put it. Hope that helps!
  12. Any bait with a large worm hook, or frog hook is a candidate for braid. Any bait that floats is a candidate for Mono. Any bait that sinks, is not a candidate for mono. Any bait with small thin hooks, is a candidate for mono. Any bait fished in clear, or heavy pressured water is a candidate for Floro. If I am fishing a weighted texas rig it is on braid, if I am fishing a floating texas rig chances are it's on mono. If it floats, I throw mono. If it sinks I throw Floro. If it has big hooks, hits the bottom, or I'm in heavy cover I throw braid. If the water is clear, or pressured I try and use a floro leader with everything I throw. But that's just how I reel.
  13. I will listen to things like Under the board walk, then some Eminem, then a little Pantera, followed my some AM bluegrass. Basically if I can relate to the lyrics, or move to the beat, it's good!
  14. You can take the boy from the fishin, but you can't take the fishin from the boy I'll tell ya what! You should go back to them golf courses and fish them now! They put fences up around the one I grew up near to keep me out, didn't work lol! Welcome!
  15. Welcome aboard! I got a buddy in the Portsmouth Area, we talk fishing regularly!
  16. Welcome, I agree read up all the articles you can! A wealth of information to be had here.
  17. Thanks all for the welcome! KpTerry I'm in Lakewood! I am going to be heading to the Manasquan reservoir this week probably, and have been wanting to hit up turkey swamp park too. Have only fished Turkey once and was skunked a few years ago. If you ever want a fishing partner, just let me know the time and lake. As long as I can get away from the family, I'm always down to fish.
  18. Hello my name is Adam, and I am 33 years of age. I have years of experience fishing the waters I grew up on, a few golf course ponds. It was very local, and it was hard work to keep me away! By the age of 13, I was a master at fishing these waters. My first job at age 11 was at a bait and tackle store, I rode my bike there when I had too! I was a lucky kid, I had a great mentor and was tossing a baitcaster by the age of 11. Any who, here I am today ready to go fishing! I figured I might be able to find a few local anglers like myself who could use some company on the water, or just share some feed back on conditions and techniques. I don't know everything about fishing, no one does, but I do have a wealth of knowledge I hope to build upon and share with those in need! Thanks for reading!
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