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Everything posted by AdamsEye

  1. Not trying to be mean so don't take it the wrong way, but the only positive from your post is not tying a leader. If you were trying to convince me, you should use the positive aspects not the negative ones. This post only makes me think of throwing FC as a lot of work versus just throwing Mono instead. Braid offers the smallest diameter which means best casting distance. The low stretch not only allows you to follow up the long cast with a solid hookset, it will also allow you to detect very subtle bites even with light and small plastics. Also if you go straight 10# braid, you will get the most natural presentation with the light weights. A FC leader will make your line ghost, while keeping most of the qualities of the braid line intact. The best of both worlds of finesse fishing. Just seems to me the only downside of braid is you might need or want a leader. But that's is why you don't use it, not why it would be better suited. Again not being mean, just looking for a positive reason to use FC.
  2. Can I have your old pairs?
  3. Most of the work would be stripping the reel, and rebuilding it. Main concern with paint would be not putting in on to thick, so you can maintain the tolerances where needed. I have painted a lot of things, never thought to paint my reels.
  4. Thanks for sharing that one!
  5. I didn't realize you were only gone 1 weekend a month. I thought you did a longer trip once a year or is that reserves? I know I miss my kids a lot, but they are still young and cute and stuff lol. So that was just my Dad side shining through!
  6. Thank you for your service, your time, and dedication. As much as I honor and respect your service, I would rather see you at home with your family bro. From the sounds of things, you story will be spoken of for a while, at least by those present! Enjoy you earned it!
  7. I use a few sets of titanium scissors sold in the craft isle of most department stores. They cost about $1.00, are plenty sharp enough, and strong enough to last you a few season no problem. Fiskars and Westcott are two good brands to look for.
  8. Funny I was thinking about this the other day... I first time I fished a wacky rig was on a gold Aberdeen style hook size 4 I think, at least that is the first time I seen a wacky rig in the early 90's. A 4" ring fry with a gold Aberdeen worked as a topwater. I am not saying that is it's birth or anything, just how it was introduced to me. I mainly throw octopus hooks now, but think I owe my roots a visit!
  9. Spinning gear isn't ideal for frogging heavy cover, it provides less leverage and normally a slower reel like a 5.2:1. I would also up to 30lb for fishing cover, over 15lb. But I see no reason you can't throw a frog, even if your setup isn't ideal. When I bring one rod and fish from the bank it's a 6'6" MH with 30lb braid. I use a leader when I throw treble hooks, and will fish any bait I have with that rod even a frog. It is not ideal but you can make it work.
  10. The last pair I got was Spider Wire brand, for $20. I can see in the water quite well with the cheapies, and have even turned a few people onto them for things other then fishing. For one they make great driving lenses, and with the right tint even help with night glare like a boss. I throw on my blue blockers and... Can you finish that add?
  11. I am pretty disappointed in the navionics app, it only has like 5 lakes in NJ with contours. One of them is small shallow lake, the others are 500 acres reservoirs. The government page is free, I got the maps on my phone in pdf form, and it has far more maps then navionics. Even still I am left with lakes and no maps. http://www.njfishandwildlife.com/lakemaps.htm
  12. Great times thanks for sharing!
  13. Yea, no. I never had much problems setting a 1/0 with even a whippy ultralight or a 3' ice rod for that matter. I fished a med action 5' rod with mono for years setting 2/0 hooks, the rod had three maybe four guides lol. I went out to dicks and was dissapointed in the amount of rods they had, it's like they got rid of a few racks and haven't ordered more since. Everyone of the rods I seen, was more whippy then my oldie. I seen a St.Croix trout rod, I think it was 6', wasn't quite there with the dampening. I don't think that my old rod ran to much, maybe $75 tops. I seen a few tech lite rods too and they were just to whippy at the tip too. They didn't have the Tatulas to look at there either. I am gonna take a ride to the larger dicks sports this week and see if they have a bigger selection to get my hands on, I have even emailed Quantum but still waiting for a reply.
  14. Good idea going local, some times you find people more then willing to help you out! Just wait for the bleeding to stop before you start drinking lol! Thanks for sharing that story!
  15. I agree with you, I just prefer the faster/stiffer action for working those baits over a whippy rod. I don't like trying to twitch or hop baits with a whippy rod, and I am really just being particular for that action. I throw weightless 4" worms on a 6'6" m spinning gear with great results so I don't need to fill that void. I would say I miss phrased it, and the action to twitch a bait is more important then the hookset. I think the deal is my older rod was never really a 6' rod, I got it out and ready to go to the store with me. It is a good 18" shorter then my 6' micro light. It only lost 4" from the tip top to the first guide. No way that thing comes close to 6'.I figured it was a 6' based on the model number, but I think that is were the difference is coming from. I might have to go to a 5'6" rod to match it better. When I shake my old rod and the micro light, the old rod stops moving and goes still like 5-7 times faster then the microlight. That is what I am looking for more so then power, but it's the only way I know to describe it. Definitely appreciate all the feed back, thanks!
  16. I been talking to him, he told me to shut up and go fishing at this spot I normally pass up. Turns out the guy was onto something, because even a few hours after a massive rain I caught a few fish in muddy waters. But on the reel, we have had some decent stable weather, just never seems to be when I got a chance to get out this year. It was nice for 2 weeks, I get the okay to go later that day and the sky's open up. I did have the lake to myself though, which is always a plus.
  17. I am gonna head out to Dicks sports tomorrow, and try and get my hands on some of these rods. The trick is gonna be not buying more than one hehe! I am gonna bring my old rod with me to compare the actions, I think that will be my best bet. Thanks for all the help, now I just hope my family will allow me and have the patience to deal with me in the fishing department lol!
  18. Can't never ever have enough bubble gum trick worms, I guarantee. I never leave home without them!
  19. I live 11 miles from the shore in Jersey, so I get mainly off shore stuff at walmart. Even my local dickssports has a poor selection that is poorly organized. I even tried to get a job at the dicks working nights, trying to restore order to the fishing department but they don't like that kind. Walmarts inventory control is relentless, they don't want items sitting on the shelves. If it don't sell they won't stock it that simple.
  20. Sorry to hear the news, but you sound like a strong man. I'm sure a few days rest will get you feeling better, take it easy! The fish are gonna be stacked up waiting for your return!
  21. When I want thump and weedless I go to a paddle tail soft plastic.
  22. Garbage bags, I consider it community service I can get use out of. If I see trash I try and snag it and dispose of it. The worst ting I ever hooked? It was just about dark, and I was having a good day so I stayed a little later. I though I had caught a fish at first, but noticed the heavy dead weight feeling it had. I cranked, and pumped, and cranked and pumped for the better half of 5 minutes. I was basically putting my gear to the test, seeing if I could haul in what ever it might of been. Heavy braid, stout rod, Gammy hooks let's do this I thought! Once I had the object about 15' from shore, I started to walk backwards to attempt to beach what ever this was. When it got to the bank it stopped and I couldn't move it any more. So I reeled up the slack as I walked up to the bank, to get a look at what I drug up. I bend down and pull up on the rod trying to get the thing to pop out of the water grabbing my line to aid the rod. Bam a snapping turtle with the head the size of a football pops up from the water, opens his mouth and hisses at me. Needless to say it scared the ever living poop out of me, and I jumped. When I did I must have taken the rod with me as a means of protection, because me and that big finger robber snapped that Gammy hook clean at the bend. I am pretty sure that was my worst experience catching anything, and I am pretty lucky that hook didn't hit me in the face and I didn't put my hand in that turtles face.
  23. Family, a 2 and 1/2 year old boy, and a new born boy. Then there is work, which only makes me want to spend time with my family more then go fishing. Lately I have been at a point where I don't sleep much, but I can make up for that when I die. It's hard to leave momma and the baby at home and go fishing, but she allowed me to go once since my son was born. Once my baby get into a decent nights sleep habit, I will start heading out in the AM for a few hours while everyone is sleeping! No quilt to carry then! Fish on!
  24. I no longer put my rods in a pickup bed lol, it would have been fine if we didn't get cut off. Driving in NJ is a health hazard to EVERYTHING lol. The Tatulas seem like they fit the bill based on the stats, I am gonna see if my Local Dickssports has them in stock so I can compare it to my older rod. I am pretty sure I have looked at the St. Croix rods a while back, but I will have to revisit them. Poison the older rod I have is perfect, I just can't find a ultralight today that carries the same ability and it isn't the same with out the tip lol. I was thinking at first it was just a fast action, and it could be that is the difference, but my micro light in fast can't compete at all with the old rod. I was hoping to keep the cost down, but if I got to spend for the Tatulas I gotta spend. This is a rod I have been looking to replace for quite some time, just can never find a proper replacement. I was thinking of going with another Okuma Stratus, I like the one I have now. But I will look at the Pfluegers too! Thanks for the input guys!
  25. Sup fish pimps, I got some questions for some of the ultralight guys. I have a ultra light rod that is very old (15-20), and missing the top 4" or so. Tip broke off in the bed of a pickup truck. Its a quantum micro im6 model ms-60sulg. This rod is some what of a med heavy fast action rod. It will cast 1/64 pretty well, and I can not for the life of me find a rod that some what matches this rod. I used to really enjoy casting some super light baits and esp a 3" slugo on it. I used this rod originally for trout fishing small streams, but now that I am a father, and have a 2 1/2 year old son I was looking to get another rod like the old one to have a blast with my little guy. I got a BPS Micro light 2 years ago in preparation for the times ahead. ML60LS model number. Bass pro is pretty far, and I had a few gift cards so I just ordered it. Needless to say it falls short of the old quantum I have. I have looked around for a while unable to find a new ultralight with a bit of backbone like my old Quantum. Anyone have any ideas or directions to point me in. I could cast a 1/64 hair jig, and I could set a 1/0 hook with a 3" slugo with this rod. Thanks for the help in advance!
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