Garbage bags, I consider it community service I can get use out of. If I see trash I try and snag it and dispose of it.
The worst ting I ever hooked? It was just about dark, and I was having a good day so I stayed a little later. I though I had caught a fish at first, but noticed the heavy dead weight feeling it had. I cranked, and pumped, and cranked and pumped for the better half of 5 minutes. I was basically putting my gear to the test, seeing if I could haul in what ever it might of been. Heavy braid, stout rod, Gammy hooks let's do this I thought! Once I had the object about 15' from shore, I started to walk backwards to attempt to beach what ever this was. When it got to the bank it stopped and I couldn't move it any more. So I reeled up the slack as I walked up to the bank, to get a look at what I drug up.
I bend down and pull up on the rod trying to get the thing to pop out of the water grabbing my line to aid the rod. Bam a snapping turtle with the head the size of a football pops up from the water, opens his mouth and hisses at me. Needless to say it scared the ever living poop out of me, and I jumped. When I did I must have taken the rod with me as a means of protection, because me and that big finger robber snapped that Gammy hook clean at the bend.
I am pretty sure that was my worst experience catching anything, and I am pretty lucky that hook didn't hit me in the face and I didn't put my hand in that turtles face.