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Everything posted by AdamsEye

  1. The size of the plastic, influences the size of the hook. Bigger worms allow for bigger hooks, but in the case of a worm I feel bigger hooks take away from the action of the plastic. The rage craw is not quite the same as a worm, and there are many different size worms. You can cover most applications with 1/0 to 5/0, 1/0 4" worms, 5/0 10" worms. But I would not advise to fish all your worms on the same size hook.
  2. His show was so good, it really does not matter. I don't think you can find a more informative show, but I am a Fan for sure!
  3. Check out the Kodak playsport, It is dust, shock, and water proof out of the box. I got mine for around $140 with a couple accessories.
  4. As someone who has had masses removed I agree. Unless I am swimming I wear long sleeves and pants. I would rather sweat all day then get more masses cut out of me.
  5. That's first class, I know where to stop my next time thru Delaware.
  6. If you go with hip waders that will save you some coin, but also keep you a bit shallower.
  7. Fishing that shallow I prefer a floating jerkbait over a crankbait.
  8. I have baits I like to throw at different cover and structure, but in no way do I have any type of order. If I am fishing more then one day in a row, this changes and I am more likely to fish the same lures in the same order, since I would be fishing a pattern if I figured one out.
  9. I am not sure I will ever over look them getting rid of Alex, and watching him makes magic with Kansas just made it that much harder.
  10. I got a couple LH frogs to try this year. I think they are good frogs, just way to weak. One Pickerel and the frog sinks, where my cheaper pad crashers keep floating. I was thinking of pulling out the leg and putting them into my pad crashers to get the real look, and durability all in one package. I am not a fan of repairing a frog after every fish, I would rather just throw a horny toad.
  11. Very good point, and I agree 100% present.
  12. I don't think your a derp if it has any consolation, I kinda figured you were new. The water will layout nice and flat, unless it goes on dry and I find it great to work with. Other then having to spray it to see the end color it's a great product! I have only worked with gelcoat once, and I hated it lol! From the picture it looks like you can spray like a boss, so I would say you transitioned quite well! I would go with a solvent base, and maybe an acrylic clear not to sure. I would be more worried about the clear building to much, and would do my best to get 1 coat coverage with the base to give me the most room to work with. I would try it out, but I don't feel like tearing my fishing gear apart to paint it. Keep up the good work!
  13. I don't like long hair in the corners of my mouth either, could care less about the rest of it!
  14. I have been in the business for over 13 years, and water based paints have a higher material build then solvents. I know this from the many two tone paint jobs I have complete with both, and seeing first hand the much thicker hard line left by water, versus solvent. Not to mention the 100's of other painters I know who have noticed the same thing. Solvent would be my go to for less material build. Technically speaking you can just look at the reductions of the two, 50% for solvent, 20% for water as a baseline. Also water paint is a lot thicker then solvents, and that is why they can offer better coverage and a filter for spraying. I would also say that if you put as much clear on a reel as you did your outboard cover, you will have to much material to retain clearances on the faces where they apply.
  15. Welcome to the forums! There is tons of knowledge around here.
  16. Happy birthday, and here is to many more!
  17. I might be wrong, but I have seen gummy worms advertised as bait. I think I remember watching it on How It's Made, and they said they are used for fishing too.
  18. Glad to hear that happy ending, always great when a company like to make happy customers! Best of luck with the new sticks!
  19. I don't eat while fishing, even during long days. I have to remind myself to drink too. If I go offshore I normally grab a sub/hoagie and munch that mid day. Fresh water, even when paddling, I just want to fish and have no desire to drink or eat.
  20. I got my fishing advisor a few days ago, the free version. It is pretty cool, and even provides you with a patter, bait, depth and cover/structure you should fish. You link the lake with a map, then insert the depth, water clarity, structure and cover found there. I have not used it to go fishing, but I do like how I get the weather, solunar and times and such all from one app. It seems to have pretty solid review on the app store.
  21. ME if the fishing gods, or in other words my wife allows it!
  22. Just a thought. I'll hold it for you LMAO!
  23. No sir I do not, I have only tried the cx. I would assume so, but not certain.
  24. I have seen a few times where a dog can sense a person they can't see, even sense that they are up to no good. One of my dogs actually woke us up when someone was stealing my dads truck, and that dog could not see a thing. This is not a bass and a fisherman, but I have seen at least one instance in my life to confirm that animals can sense things that we might over look. From what I know about it all, I can't say yes or no. My experiences in life lead me to yes, along with the little research I have done. Also I never said the bass would loose his appetite, just his interest in that offering. I agree your negative attitude can't alter the fishes hunger, but I feel it can totally effect his willingness to bite your bait.
  25. From what I recall P line c21 sinks. I got some to try and can remember it sinking, and not liking it on my topwater rod.
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