*Commence rant* I have now been told more than a few times by our beloved NYS DEC Rangers to register my little 14 foot canoe because I have an electric trolling motor on it. Check out a small sample of the giant pile of buII$#!t this would entail: Since I purchased this boat privately off craigslist 6 years ago without ever planning on putting a motor on it I have about zero chance of ever getting a "bill of sale" from that person who sold it to me. I will have to look up the ID# on the hull on the company's website and track down the dealer who sold it new and work my way back somehow. I never paid taxes on it, so I guess now even if I do find the person I'll get that leveraged out of me by the State as well. Hypothetically, what if I actually built the canoe though? It is really disturbing feeling to have the government intervene in private affairs to such an extent that I can't even buy a stinking $400 canoe from someone without getting investigated and threatened, registered and taxed. (btw, serious question, is there any difference between this and extortion? Robbery? Essentially, men with guns [DEC] came up to my boat while I'm out in the wilderness minding my own business and told me to go do XYZ (register boat, pay the tax, etc) and if I don't at some point they'll kidnap me and toss me in jail. ) In any case, I will find a way to register it somehow. And under the registration number on the hull I will stick one of these:
Do people in other states put up with this sort of stuff too? Anyone register a boat they bought anonymously in private tax-free? What is next-- registering guns? Oh wait, yes. Yes, that probably is next. Where can I move to avoid this sort of BS? /here ends the rant.