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Neil McCauley

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About Neil McCauley

  • Birthday 05/29/1985

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Upstate NY
  • My PB
    Between 4-5 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake George, NY

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. Few years ago I had genuine Dover Sole at a Manhattan michelin star restaurant. Still prefer panfried yellow perch. 😊
  2. I'm surprised MinnKota or another company hasn't experimented with this yet. The steel/aluminum props for gas motors are incredibly expensive because they're custom machined based on the engine/transmission, but a plastic prop for a trolling motor with known thrust numbers seems like it would be very easy to make. Anyone heard of this being done? Toroidal propeller - Wikipedia
  3. Fill your yak halfway with ice water.
  4. Coincides with the summer solstice too, and with very light winds. I'll be at my fav lake the entire week. Never seen 95*F temps in 30+ years fishing there. Plan on fishing 5-9 both AM and PM and sleeping/drinking the rest of the time. 😄
  5. I always like the leeward facing shore because I hate wind. But on calm days when I have my choice I am not sure where to go. I think it depends on the time of year to an extent. If early spring when the water is cold, you want an east/south facing shoreline because the morning sun is warming things up. And in the mid summer you want the shade on a west/north facing bank. Year-round weed growth may factor into this also- east vs west facing shorelines may get more sunlight. Or- am I overthinking this and a good spot is just a good spot? For example, where would you choose here:
  6. Other boaters. Especially those who aren't on the water to fish. This is why I fish mainly spring/fall and weekdays.
  7. Never pumped ethanol gas in either my boat nor truck nor lawn mower nor leaf blower, etc in 10 years. Maybe just burning $, maybe not..
  8. Lake George or Champlain. By coincidence, I live by both.
  9. Reason for not getting a straight answer is dock fishing sucks and no one really cares. Cayuga is an awesome fishery, I recommend getting a canoe or kayak, maybe a small trolling motor. You're really missing out from shore.
  10. imo the whole scent concept, like many things with fishing, is a marketing scheme. Water is the ultimate dilutant. And especially moving water, as it is with a lure being retrieved. There is simply no way these fish can smell anything on a lure moving through hundreds of feet of water. They are far more keyed in on their vision, hearing and lateral line senses. Do pro bass fishermen actually spray lures up before casting? No, just no. If scent is so important, we should be chumming to attract schools of bass. Real question is why're you wearing cologne while fishing...it covers up that wonderful bass slime scent.
  11. I stood all the time in my Guide 147. Never tipped over when sober. Don't like fishing in 7+ mph wind anyway. Polyethylene, so gets dragged everywhere.
  12. Even if someone could show evidence it does spook fish and leads to fewer catches, I'd still use it. Vertical jigging and watching the screen is too much fun.
  13. I saw a great response to this recurring question on another forum: They said Ruger Mark IV .22LR. Get into target shooting, marksmanship, etc and move on from there. Buy and practice with other pistols. When the person is ready they will know what works best for them.
  14. Black zara spook Jr, but a little popper on a fly rod is a close second.
  15. x2, couldn't find the link in his profile. Canoe looks awesome btw!
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