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Everything posted by Shrike

  1. Sorry I'm late. NH Fisherman checking in. I didn't get out much last year but I'll be out there every chance I get this year.
  2. Check these links. http://www.in-fisherman.com/magazine/articles/if2806_HookRemoval/index.html http://www.outdoorfrontiers.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=73&mode=&order=0&thold=0
  3. Agreed ^ Not too much interest with the average movie goer. I would watch it but I know hundreds of people and only a couple of them even bass fish at all let alone have interest in watching a movie about it. Maybe it's different in some parts of the country but probably not in most in my opinion.
  4. Agree 100% Rapala Pro Fishing sucks! the graphics are good but it ends there. The game is just not fun. No trolling motor, no fish finder, can only use crankbaits, tiny lakes, no online play. I could go on but I wont. Pro Bass Fishing 2003 is easily the most fun fishing game made for the pc to date. The graphics aren't nearly as good as Rapala but it blows it away in every other aspect IMO.
  5. I hate to sit while fishing. Only when the muscles in my back start to burn will I sit for a couple minutes.
  6. I always pick up trash from the boat ramps and floating trash and fishing line. If we all tossed trash here and there our lakes/ponds would look like dumps. I hate picking up trash but I hate to look at it even more.
  7. I've had the most success between dawn and 10am and 7pm and dusk. But I have caught many big fish in between too, just not as many strikes in my experiance.
  8. When I try to bring somebody fishing they want to go home after 6 or 8 hours. I don't understand it ;D
  9. Pike eat bass http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5614347245920734972&q=pike+bass&hl=en
  10. I've lost too many fish at the boat to not use a net for the big ones. I use light line and will never go without a net again. not to mention when you hook a pickerel and its sharp teeth cut the line at the boat and you lose your lure.
  11. I used a white buzz bait and caught like 30+ bass in a couple hours.
  12. I've wondered that myself. Very interesting.
  13. My Dad. He only took me once when I was like 5 and that was all it took.
  14. From what I've experienced, right before and during the front coming in the fish go into a feeding frenzy. You could throw a cigarette butt in the water and the fish will attack it ;D. I suppose after the front/frenzy is over the fish are stuffed and don't feed for a while. This is just my take on it.
  15. The drag get's me alot, I go to set the hook and its too loose.
  16. Discussion is good, but topics like these bring out the worst in people. Is this forum usually like this?
  17. School's have Bass Fishing Teams :o I wen't to the wrong d**n school.
  18. It's great, I can put it in ponds and small lakes where there is no boat ramp, and if the body of water is too big for paddling I have a 30lbs trolling motor to mount on it (I made a motor mount that cost $6 with some wood I had laying around). I can carry it by myself on my shoulders, I can stand up in it (it's wide, not recommended for smaller canoes or while with another person), I've got an anchor outrigger in the front and an anchor in the back so I don't get blown around in the wind. There are some advantages over a larger boat and some disadvantages but either way it's better than seriously limiting the amount of fish you can catch by fishing from shore. I could go on and on but you get my point.
  19. I've had a few close calls but fortunately I've never hooked a bird, thats the last thing I want to deal with, not to mention the heafty fines. Under the "migratory bird act" it is illegal to kill any native -non-game species of bird.
  20. There's no maintainance, storage, trailing, etc with a canoe That's how I roll. 8-)
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