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Everything posted by BocaGrande

  1. North jersey here!
  2. That's guys! Very helpful. Shane, I was told about the good fishing in the passaic river, definitely will have to head there soon. And I guess there just isn't much bass in this area! Time to move on I suppose
  3. Vengeance has red jigs. Tackle warehouse has a sale on them now
  4. Thanks Jeff! Thanks A-Jay!
  5. Yes, yes, yes and more yes. I have that exact model the 201G6. It's a tank. 2 thumbs up and both big toes too
  6. i usually go around dusk after i get home from work, and now with summer here, ill stay until dark. durring those times once in a while a bass will agressively break the surface. more heard than seen. it doesnt look like much in the picture, but its a decent stretch from the main dam to the spillways. like a small lake
  7. dually noted! never heard of that before so i assumed swivel
  8. The tidal areas below the spillways do but only by other bank anglers and they usually just go for the white perch that hang out there. Below the spillways is all rocky bottoms until the river branches off into the main part
  9. I've done jigs and frogs all around the pads downed trees and structure that I could reach from the bank.. Nothin lol
  10. I am not sure about the fish ladder but I doubt it. I've been coming here for years! Lol the low population of fish would be the most reasonable explanation. The times I did catch fish was 1 time 11am early fall. No foliage yet. Got a spotted with a TR havoc boss dog. The other was a monster crappie on a popper mid day
  11. So maybe it'd be better just to remove the split ring and tie direct using a loop knot? Or even remove the split ring and use a snap swivel
  12. I was always told to hard tie the line to the bait cause the swivel might "scare the fish" or it wasn't strong enough. Everything has a purpose I suppose!
  13. Gotcha. I live in bergen county nj. Northern most part or nj. This spot is in oradell, nj. From the oradell reservoir to the Hackensack river
  14. Guys relax lol I blacked out the streets because when I was editing this picture I was labelin spots and didn't want anyone to get confused with all the text. Then I decided to color coordinate the labels lol ANYWAYS so yeah this is the Hackensack river in north NJ and from the blue spillways up is where I mostly TRY to fish.. any suggestions?
  15. Thanks everyone! And I never would have guessed 3-15 for Glenn fish. I thought 5+!
  16. its kinda hard to me to explain.. but heres a pic i hope it helps. i fish north of the spillways.. where the good cover is. i have seen fish activity there (topwater blow ups) but only caught 2 fish EVER!. the orange is the main river. i have seen some activity there also but still no luck! any help would be great. P.S. i mostly bank but if i can get out on the kayak i would be out there all day! no fish finder, no electronics :/
  17. I have a river near my house that I like to fish in, but I haven't had any luck! It feeds from a reservoir via a dam, then has this body of water below the dam that is very calm. And then there are the spillways. Mini waterfalls that flow down In to the tidal part of the river. The upper part is loaded with Lilly pads, downed trees, covered banks, islands.. kind of like a lake.. looks like a bass paradise. However, I've only caught 2 fish up there in my life! Does anyone fish at places similar? Does anyone know what I'm talking about lol?
  18. P.s. I'm keeping the shimano. No worries!
  19. Thanks for your input! The San diego jam is great. I read somewhere that a loop knot gave the crankbait more action and let it act more freely. However, whether or not a split ring was involved was not mentioned
  20. Would tying a rapala knot/non-slip loop knot ON TO a split ring give any advantages for crankin'? Or is the loop and split ring both too much? What about jerk baits.. loop knot or improved clinch?
  21. I just went on Craigslist and someone near me is selling a usef prezzy 6920 for $35. I think in Gona grab it! Anything red flags I should be aware of guys? ?
  22. I have a 6'6 spinning rod with micro guides and I love it. I feel more control during casts and great sensitivity with drop shots. I'm using 6lb co-polymer right now.. but will be using braid soon.. so I'll let you know!
  23. I like to try new things and have heard good things about the president. I think the bait monkey is nibbling at me! Lol I just want to buy more gear!
  24. [quote name="SirSnookalot" post="1797517" A prez is about 60 bucks and sahara about 80 I think, how could 2 presidents be bought from the sale of 1 used sahara.
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