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About Luv2fish!

  • Birthday 08/06/1979

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  • Gender
  • Location

    Benton, LA
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River

    Toledo Bend

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  • About Me

    39 years old, started fishing with my dad right after I learned how to walk <span class="ipsEmoji">?</span>

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  1. I’ll be down next week, Tuesday through Friday on north end and mid lake. Hopefully I’ll have a good report ?.
  2. I’ll hopefully be down next week finally! Bought a new house so moving and painting has been killing me, plus my boat looks really thirsty ?
  3. Things seem to be getting quiet on here, hope you guys haven’t given up fishing lol! I went to bass_fanatics electronics seminar. Absolutely awesome and definitely worth the trip! If you ever get the chance to go, take it!!
  4. I can’t say much, been busy at work! They say the oilfield is down, but not according to my bank account lol! Hoping to get back on the Bend and Rayburn in the next couple of weeks finally. Looking forward to Bass_Fanatics class coming up this week. Hope to meet some of you guys there ??
  5. @Bass_Fanatic I’d love to come to the seminar at Cypress Bend! Email me the info at ra.ra8679@gmail.com
  6. Wow shocked to see some friction on here, always been a great and friendly thread! Hope mature and good hearted bass fishing heads come through, as I’m sure they will. Fished in San Pat with my good buddy at his camp. Very muddy water, as I expected, but still caught several. Watermelon red and plum apple brush hogs were great over the weekend and through today. Fished deep in the flooded brush and trees due to the wind and high water. No big fish to brag on but a lot of fun catching 14-17 inchers all day. Good luck my friends. I’ll be back down Thursday to play in front of this cold front coming ?
  7. Hey guys, don’t post very often but always keeping up with this awesome thread. At my camp on San Pat now, be fishing mid lake all weekend. Will send a report when I’m done.
  8. Hello and thanks to Catt and everyone else on this awesome thread!! I've read the entire thing over the last week and wow, it's great! I just started fishing the big bend last year when I bought my boat, and like all of you I love it! I'm on the lake at least once a week if not more and I'll be at it tmrw if the weather seems ok in the morning. I'll try to update when I get home. God bless you guys and don't forget to thank him for bass fishing in your prayers!!
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