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Short Fish

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  1. I disagree on the 12v not lasting as long.If you invest in a digital trolling motor it will draw less amps than a non digital,also if you throw those acid batterys in the garbage and buy a agm battery that alone will extend your usage time,agms take less time to recharge also and cold weather doesn't affect them like regular batteries.I have left mine in the boat all winter,hooked the charger to them and they were fully charged in less than a hour.
  2. I had a fenwick 6' boron-x rod in medium action back years ago.I remember the blank being black in color with a fuji pistol grip handle and had the best guides at the time.It was lighter than graphite but stiffer.Sad thing i was using it one winter fishing small jig,pig combos,went to set the hook and the thing blew into ??? pieces!Looked like someone had thrown a bottle of graphite in the air with fibers and dust everywhere!Needless to say i did not hook the bass! ;D
  3. Just won on ebay a shimano 5' ultralight spinning rod a compre,and now am looking a lightweight reel 6 oz and under and could not find if there was a japan model of the symetre in the smallest 500 size?
  4. Update on bearing buddies.I had some time this evening and got a block of wood and a small sledge hammer,placed the wood on the buddy and hit it several times and can not see that it has moved it one bit.Should i just take the hammer and knock the shi! out of it and be done with it...
  5. So you are saying that the chrome part is the bearing buddy,don't see a brake between it and the black part.Can i take a pair of channellocks and work it back and forth to remove it,i can't mess anything up can i and are they all pretty standard size?
  6. As i was taking my fender boards off to replace with new boards and carpet i decided to look behind my bearing bras,well one side looked fine but then i checked the other side.I pulled the bra off and you see that blue band showing,in the center is a meatl cap that covers the grease fitting,well the previous owner had taken it looked like a screwdriver to pry off that little silver cap and gouged a spot out of the outer part of the bearing buddy.Will it hurt anything at this point or should i replace the buddies and how? :-[ :-/
  7. I purchased a used stratos and when i got home and started really going over it i found what i call fender boards,the carpeted boards inside the fender area the boat bumps up against is warped or cracked.It is only attached by three bolts with locknuts with the plastic inside.They are roughly 2'x3',should i buy marine plywood then glue on carpet side and staple with stainless staples on the tire side?It looks to be 1/2" wide i have not removed them yet,i think i can get them off without having to jack the trailer up and remove the tires,hhheeelllppp!!! :-[
  8. If i am going to spend $200.00 for a 5" depthfinder and have these two models a lowrance 96 at 320x320 pixs or the eagle 480 at 480x480 pixs which would you choose?
  9. I am looking at a 2005 nitro 640 with it says a merc 2 stroke 60?I thought they only made a 50 and 90 in two stroke.What do you like or dislike about the boat.I recently sold a xpress boat because of too much money in it and not alot of use so i am looking at older smaller bassboats.
  10. Jimmiio only if yours has red hair(the baby!)and the boat has a motorguide trolling motor,agm batteries,lowrance electronics in hunter green!
  11. With the economy and people lossing jobs left and right how hard is it to sell a boat now?I sold two in the last two years although not high dollar models,a 1436 war eagle and a 1544 weldcraft and took a beating on both.The boat i have now a xpress sv17 i have only used three times since new but is paid for but seeing it sit under the garage makes me want to go ahead and sell it to put some cash back into the bank for safe keeping.Also keeping the 10 month old limits me using it to never for a while. :-[
  12. I got the same problem but its my cat,when we had our child the cat went outside,now the little fart climbs up beside my console under the boat cover to get out of the elements,i am forever having to vacuum the carpet and the underside of the cover is filthy,i cringe that when it gets warmer and i pull it out from under the carport and remove the cover that the carpet will be stained by his dirty feet,if so me and him are going for a LONG ride with only me returning!
  13. For the size of that reel i'd lean to a gloomix cr721 imx,6' 3/16-1/2 oz lures,6-12 lb line,would be a really good match,that is what the reel was intended for,lighter weight baits.
  14. They were the originator of the plastic worm and no they are still going strong.I don't know about this finesse stuff being thrown around and this worm,i know if my dad was still alive i can bet the bank he would have a 6" purple glo tail with a eagle claw 4/0 weedless hook and either a 1/16 or 1/8 oz bullet weight on one of his rods!The largest bass he ever caught was on that worm and the second largest on a devils horse white black stripe mascoota.If you don't NEED them send em my way!!! ;D
  15. I may be the only one that does this but i feel safer since most times i am by myself or with the wife that knows nothing about loading or unloading.I will back the boat in the water with a rope tied to the bow eye and just push it off and tie it up,on my return to load it back up i tie back up go get the trailer backed in and pull the boat up to the trailer with the trolling motor and letting it drift on til i can get up front and hook the winch to the bow eye,and yes i have a drive on trailer but still feel safer doing it this way.When my dad was alive he would back the trailer in and i would drive the boat on with him guiding me on,i don't have this option anymore... :'(
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