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About bassinjack

  • Birthday 03/11/1969

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  • Gender
  • Location
    s/e arkansas
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    pumpback lake oklahoma

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  1. if its a female more then likely she has not spawned yet if shes on the bed. the males guards the bed if there is eggs on it. play the new and full moon..................................
  2. it's endorsed by BASS...... i don't think they would put there name and reputation on the line if it was not the real deal. they(bass gold) use data from fishing turnaments from bass and the flw and they have winning patterns dating back to the early 70''s...............................
  3. i like both of them good action
  4. i put a deck on my 12 foot jon boat 3 years ago and have yet had any problems with it being top heavy .i used 3/4 inch marina plywood with indoor outdoor carpet with a swivle seat and i built a bracket on the front and used a regular hand controlled trolling motor with the handle turned around gets me around smaller lakes i fish with electric motor only suets me fine plus i only weight 160 pounds wet
  5. i guess i fillet my bass vary different then everyone else i take my fillet knife and run it just under the scales from back behind the head to the tail right beside the top fin then do it agine on the bottom then run my fillet knife from one cut to the other then i take a pair of pliers and pull the skin off right to the tail. take my knife and start at the tail and run it right along the bone till i get to the rib cage then i just slowly trim the meat off the rib cage flip the fish over and do the same thing. i was the meat off to get the excess blood off and soak the filets in salt water for 12 hours are so. yes walleye are crappie are much better eating but bass done right can be vary vary good to not as sweet of meat but good deep fried up Jack
  6. hay Ben i been looking for a good used bass boat how much are you going to ask for your stratos? im south of you in jacksonville and have been looking for over 5 months thanks Jack
  7. i think i read one time that gary was from hawaii with the last name yamamoto it sounds japanesse just one to think on ps yamamoto baits rock tight lines Jack
  8. im right with you on the small fish probbly 40 out of 41 fish i catch are less then 2 pounds but give it time and that big bucket mouth will be there you are forshure doing something right tho if your catching fish i have found when you go to biger baits and slow down the presintation the fish seem to get bigger as well Jack
  9. i would say down size if you catch them on a normal day with regular senko's on days like that switch to senko thins and the wee rebel craws also if you have not tried those senko thins on creak smallies try it you will be greatly rewarded trust me Jack
  10. the points in a cove would be secondary points myself i like main lake points that have a deafanete finger going atleast 40 plus foot in the water and have good cuts on both sides if you have a good topo map it should show them it's not impossible to fish points from the shore but it's a challange and there is alot of the structure you can't cover it's more less a one dee affect my best baits for eather main lake are secondary points would be crank baits and carolin rigged plactics......... tight lines Jack
  11. usually the water warms up on the northern end of the lakes first because thats the end that receaves the most sun light i have found a male bass usually guards the bed for a little less then a week are so and i have had my best luck on them 2 days are so to the full are new moon
  12. regular cretex airbrush paint and epoxy and the top coat will be rock solid hard
  13. i make my own hard baits from cedar cranks jerks and top waters and i also do some of my own custom painting i think when you make your own and you also paint other name brand lures it's exciting when you catch fish on them Jack
  14. for the most part those sows if they have not layed eggs you can chunk and chunk and chunk every thing in your tackle box but they ain't gonna bite. when i find myself in a situation like that if they are really nice sows ill keep coming back to there beds untill the male starts to guard the nest he will be really agressive and pick a bear hook up off his nest i get him off the nest and put him in my live well back off that spot for 10 to 20 minutes and that big greenback female will be on the nest and then she will be agressive i like light lures in those situations as well like a purple with white stripe k&e bass stopper worm (vary deadly worms any time ) they fall so slow you can work it right in front of them and they will suck it in.................................
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