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  • Gender
  • Location
    <p>Raleigh Nc</p>
  • My PB
    Between 9-10 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    <p>Falls lake</p>
  • Other Interests
    <p>Hunting shooting and dirtbikes</p>

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Fry (1/9)




Community Answers

  1. So I have been doing a lot of research on creating a high school club / team. It's all just way to confusing and there's not really a go to source that has helped me. So I know plenty of people that would be interested in the club/team. I have someone who would sponsor us and possibly a boat for tournaments. But where do I start to be official? How do I get our team registered for tournaments. If anyone can help me that be so greatly appreciated.
  2. Never mind file is to large how can I make it smaller if u wanna see my bass its on my Instagram __jamesmyers__
  3. Hello, just joined the forum. My name is James Myers and I'm 14. I live in North Carolina and frequently fish kayak and Jon boat tournaments. My personal best fish is 10 pounds and the lakes I fish are falls gaston and ponds!
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