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About Todd_Clark

  • Birthday 07/19/1961

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Conyers, Georgia
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Sinclair, GA

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  1. i had an evening like that just last week. Here in ATL, it was absolutely POURING down rain. About 7, i decided to put on the Frogg Toggs and head down to the neighborhood pond (40 acres). Just standing on the dam, raining so hard i could barely see the entire 2 hours i was there, i caught 30 one pounders (or less) and one 2 pounder. And when i stopped to go home, they were STILL biting. Only reason i left is they were only biting a junebug 6 inch lizard texas rigged. I couldnt get a bite otherwise, and i went thru 3 bags of the things and was out. The last lizard i had, had already caught 2 fish on and was pretty torn up, but i decided to try it one more time. As i was bringing the fish in that it caught, it jump out of the water right at the bank and i watched the lizard go one direction and the fish go the other. I just laughed and headed back home. My wife thought i was nuts for going down there in the pouring rain, but i was bored, and it turned into one of the most productive times ever bass fishing for me.
  2. glad to see i'm not the only one that does this.
  3. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cast using the 110 this morning resulted in almost 10 pounds of fish in the boat. Yea, i like this one much better. Perfect size between the 90 and the 130.
  4. ive thrown the 90 till i was blue in the face, and never so much as even had a blow up. 130's have always worked fantastic, and then as i said above, 3rd cast using the 110, BOOM, fish on!
  5. took the 110 out the day after it came in. Definitely, IMO, a perfect in-between of the 90 and 130. I never had any luck getting the 90 to run right, even after i let it "settle" once it hit the water, it still always nosedived, unless of course i held the rodtip at 12:00 high, and you just shouldnt have to do that, ya dont have to with any of the others. The 130 has caught me MANY fish, but it is heavy, and there is virtually no way to cast it without it making a huge splash. I can cast the 110 just as far, and it seems to retrieve even better than the 130. it doesnt roll on its side at all, doesnt make a huge splash entering the water and runs perfectly throughout the entire retrieve. I purchased the "You Know It" and "Loon" colors. 3 cast with the "You Know It" and i caught a fish (lil 2 pounder, but in our neighborhood pond, that is to be expected). Ive had 2 blowups with the "Loon", and just got impatient and missed. All in all, I'll probably use the 110 more than the 130. I'm really diggin' it.
  6. I don't understand? are posts being deleted out of this thread??
  7. just picked up a couple from monsterfishing.com, $14.99 ea.
  8. i had running problems with the 90 and when i emailed River 2 Sea to complain about it, they actually CALLED me on my phone. Even THEY admitted there were issues with the 90. They also admitted there were issues with the "Double Whopper Plopper" and the wire. Ive been through 2 of the double ploppers that were pretty much destroyed by the first fish to hit it each time. It would bend the wires so bad, i could never get it to run correctly no matter how much i tried to tweek the wire back to normal.
  9. wanna know how to make a SMALL fortune fishing for a living? Start out with a LARGE fortune.
  10. awesome job, Austin!! Sinclair is one of my favorite lakes. I also caught my PB from there last Feb. during a Berry's tournament. Mine was 6.6 pounds.
  11. yep. i started last year (just did a few) and doing 16 of them this year, STILL as a co-angler, and STILL learning. You'll learn the in's/out's of the tournament scene itself, then you'll know what to expect when you want to start doing it out of your own boat. Good luck!!! I'm having a blast even tho i've yet make it into the money.
  12. theyre in the 50ish degree range right now. May be up a few degrees with all this warm weather we've had over the last week or so. Temps are supposed to drop in ATL down into the 40's for highs this weekend so look for them to possibly drop a degree or two.
  13. awesome job! I LoL'd!
  14. you dont own a 7' medium heavy rod? Cus i throw the 130 on it and catch the hell out of fish on it and it works just fine. Now, the 190, yes, you def. need a specific rod for that one. It takes a friggin broom handle to throw that thing! (i bought a 7'3 heavy specifically for the 190). I dont throw it much, but its only because i havent had the time to work with it. Usually tourny fishing so i go with what i know works.
  15. ive caught more fish with the WP topwater lure than any other topwater lure i own. Zero luck with the size 90, but almost always catches fish, BIG fish with the 130.
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