hello everyone... mike d here, host of Lunkerville... i appreciate the kind words and am happy to answer any questions you have about the show
murray: i've been bass fishing actively since only 2000 and also co-own a popular bass fishing website, nybass.com... the dynamic on Lunkerville is to let the guest be the expert and teach me how to fish their spots and techniques... i also encourage teasing and good-natured fun, with the jokes usually on me... this makes for a unique show as almost every fishing show on TV has a host that's "the expert"... so you're not entirely off-base when you say it looks like i have no idea what i'm doing when i'm fishing!
craig: i'm loving those hogs you've been posting at the lunkerville forums... it sounds like florida is treating you right, buddy... say hi to the missus for me.
regarding where and when we air, you can find all that info here: http://research.backchannelmedia.com/programs/Lunkerville we aired 86 times last week on various networks, but are mostly seen on The Water Channel, DISH ch 217 and The Sportsman Channel... we're also coming to WildTV in canada beginning in January.
randall: good to see you man!... i need to come back to atlanta and score a hog... because as long mike says, we catch way too many dinks on the show... but it is real people real fish stories, you know?... we're always looking for the "lunker", and when we find her it's a big deal... cause we're just not going to be pulling pig after pig out of the water like bill dance and roland martin... we could if we wanted to, like randall says, with a little help from friends and the viewer would never know it wasn't 100% real...but it's not our style to do that and we're very happy with catching what we can while the camera's rolling.
duke... you sound dead on!... i take what you said as a major compliment
russ: i got your video, dude... and i plan to use some of the material this season on Lunkerville... we do a "home videos from lunkerville" segment, which has only popped up a few times on the show thus far; but we're expanding that idea in the upcoming season and want to make it a regular feature on the show... i'll notify you when and if we use it!... also, you're on the list now as a potential guest, but please understand we get a ton of inquiries and can't feature everyone... but stay tuned... the chance that we'll use your video is very high at the moment.
thanks everyone for watching the show!... tell your friends about it and look for a whole season of new shows and a tactics DVD in the coming year!