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CP Bass

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About CP Bass

  • Birthday 04/11/1979

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  • Location
    <p>Carleton Place, ON. Canada</p>

CP Bass's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. "asked if I wanted the same or an upgrade." SD, This quote made my day!!! That is exactly what I wanted to hear! Hope I have the same choice. Thanks.
  2. Thanks for the info lads. I guess I'll head to BPS and try to talk the manager into letting me get a different model. I have no problem shelling out a few extra bucks for an upgrade. To me it is unacceptable to have a rod snap like this. Once can be a defective rod, fine I can deal with that but twice in the same spot is a defective model as far as I am concerned. XPS = X-treme ???????????
  3. Well, I was pleased that BPS replaced my broken rod last year with no questions asked. Very cool. But.................... I just snapped my replacement on Saturday in the exact same spot. The rod had under 200 casts on it. This one snapped on a hookset in open water on a 2.5 pound bass. Question 1, has anyone else had issues with the XPS Performance Graphite IM8 rod. (only available as a combo) Question 2, does anyone know if BPS will allow a substitution so I can get a different model of BPS rod. I now have zero confidence in this model. I really do not care to have another one. I know I can email them for details but I am just looking for anyone's experience first. Thanks!
  4. It really depends on how much money it will save you. If it will only save $100.00 a year then what's the point. Might as well use what is recomended. I only use Amsoil in everything I own. 4 wheeler, snowmobile, chainsaw, trimmer, truck and boat. A little pricy but in my mind it's a great insurance policy!! Drew.
  5. Rockville MDA, While your statement of "If tournaments HAVE to continue, why not put an unbiased ref on each boat to weigh the fish with a certified scale and then have it returned immediately to the water?" does seem ideal, The huge problem is where to find scrutineers. At last years "Renegade Classic" (my local series) we couldn't even find 30. Ended up with 12 which meant on day 1 there was a random draw, and on day 2 the top 12 got the scrutineers. I think it would be impossible to find 400 (or even 50) volunteers for a couple days to act a scrutineers. I know this doesn't help the fish but, unfortunately, I believe it is true. I have never heard of such a die off potentially related to tournament fishing. The local series has 85 teams, 5 fish limit on warm "shallowish" lakes. I have never seen a bass wash up or floating around let alone 5-600. Don't get me wrong, I'm not ignorant enough to think our tournament C&R is 100% successful but I really think there is more to this story. Respectfully, Drew.
  6. First off, I have a MotorGuide 56lb trolling motor on my boat. I love the motor but the props I had were junk. Always getting wrapped up with weeds. I modified a MinnKota Weedless Wedge prop to fit on the MotorGuide shaft and it is the best boat modification I've ever done. Runs smooth an 0 weeds on the prop. MK Weedless Wedge gets my vote. Tough as well. I've clipped more than 1 log or rock with no damage.
  7. Thanks for the info. Closest BPS is a little over 4 hours away in Auburn NY, so I'll probably send an email first. Reeling in a pike like that through the pads and slop with a "2 piece rod" and then netting it since your fishing alone certainly was a quite a show.................
  8. Glenn, Great timing on all the drop shot links. I am helping out with a pre-fish this afternoon and I've been told "be prepared to drop shot for a few hours" Thanks, Drew
  9. Hello, I just had my BPS "XPS Performance Graphite IM8" rod snap a couple days ago. Does anyone know if BPS will warranty it in any way? Also this was a gift from my girlfriend for my birthday last year. I cannot find any details about this rod model (PG66MH) Was this a decent rod or a POS? The rod broke on a hookset of this thing (9.3lbs) Another pic of the break. Thanks, Drew
  10. Other! Another vote for Gambler. A buddy of mine had a 1992 model 206 with a 200 carb Merc. Sucker would do about 72-74mph and was nice and steady once it "poped up" at about 60-65mph. He sold it and will probably buy another with a bigger motor. Another buddy just sold his Triton TR21X with a Merc 225 Opti and bought a Skeeter 21i with a Yamaha 300HPDI. He hates it. Huge mistake in his opinion. The boat is absolutly beautiful, fit and finish is great, but it is heavy, slow, and "porpoises" at speeds lower than 50mph. No amount of setup seems to eliminate the "porpoising" But I can't really give my 2 cents. I own an old 14' Landau with an old 25 Johnson in it. It's set up nice, big casting deck, livewell, 56lb bow mount MG TM but it's still a POS when compared to "real boats"
  11. I'm big on CPR for all fish. -especially bass- But, at least a couple times a year I gut hook a bass. Could be due to fishing in the wind and not being able to sense a subtle bite, could be that the fish pounded and inhaled it or it could simply be my fault. If a bass it bleeding heavily it goes in the live well. If it stops bleeding it gets released. If it floats it gets eaten....... no matter what the size. I hate CPR preachers that toss a badly bleeding bass back right away. You may feel good about the release but it probably died anyway and now you've wasted it completely. This is simply my opinion on what I feel makes sense. Not a perfect system, but I sleep at night, and have a couple good meals per year.
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