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Everything posted by KSBassMan95

  1. Underneath, two pairs I do back it in to about there, and till the front tip of the bottom bunks are just poking out of the water, its still just a SOB to load, at least for me, haha, and its always windy here, so regardless some guide on's would be nice.
  2. Hey guys of BR, whats going on today?! I need some help from you guys, and if you own a nitro or a boat with my similar trailer issue, even better! I recently got a 2011 Nitro Z6. Love it, the only thing I dislike is loading the boat on the trailer, It can be a little difficult by myself, so I ran up to Cabelas and picked up some guide on bunks. Great, right?! I have a small issue I didn't realize until I got home though. Behind and in front of the trailer wheel well, there are step-up side plates, which add about 8 inches to the trailer frame itself, making it about 10" wide instead of 2" wide, I cant install the guide on bunks with these in the way, and cant take them off seeing as how the trailer lights are integrated into them. I guess my question is, can I install the guide on's further up towards the front of the trailer? Never really seen that done before, they are always installed on the back, so it seems. Plus I'm not sure if it would work, seeing as how the frame of the trailer starts angling/curving into a V back towards the tongue/hitch. Ill upload some pictures so you can get a better idea of what I'm dealing with. Ill also include a link (is that allowed? Idk :0) to the bunks I purchased. Thanks in advance for any help guys! -Guide on bunks purchased- http://www.cabelas.com/product/boating/boating-trailer-accessories/guide-ons-bunks|/pc/104794380/c/104781780/sc/104366880/cabela-s-low-profile-bunk-guide-ons/700557.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fguide-ons-bunks%2F_%2FN-1100650%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104366880
  3. Hey guys of BR, whats going on today?! I need some help from you guys, and if you own a nitro or a boat with my similar trailer issue, even better! I recently got a 2011 Nitro Z6. Love it, the only thing I dislike is loading the boat on the trailer, It can be a little difficult by myself, so I ran up to Cabelas and picked up some guide on bunks. Great, right?! I have a small issue I didn't realize until I got home though. Behind and in front of the trailer wheel well, there are step-up side plates, which add about 8 inches to the trailer frame itself, making it about 10" wide instead of 2" wide, I cant install the guide on bunks with these in the way, and cant take them off seeing as how the trailer lights are integrated into them. I guess my question is, can I install the guide on's further up towards the front of the trailer? Never really seen that done before, they are always installed on the back, so it seems. Plus I'm not sure if it would work, seeing as how the frame of the trailer starts angling/curving into a V back towards the tongue/hitch. Ill upload some pictures so you can get a better idea of what I'm dealing with. Ill also include a link (is that allowed? Idk :0) to the bunks I purchased. Thanks in advance for any help guys! ***I MEANT TO PUT THIS IN THE BASS BOAT FORUM, CANT FIGURE OUT HOW TO DELETE SO I COULD RE POST IT THERE. -Guide on bunks purchased- http://www.cabelas.com/product/boating/boating-trailer-accessories/guide-ons-bunks|/pc/104794380/c/104781780/sc/104366880/cabela-s-low-profile-bunk-guide-ons/700557.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fguide-ons-bunks%2F_%2FN-1100650%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104366880
  4. Thanks man! I'll have to add some pictures later. I'm so stoked...!
  5. On my way to pick up the boat guys! Driving out there tonight, staying at a hotel then picking it up in the morning then heading back home!
  6. jeff the dual console is not removable. I think itll be fine though. The tritons sold. I think were gonna go with this nitro.
  7. Well guys it looks like this will be the boat I'm getting, most likely http://stlouis.craigslist.org/boa/5169643717.html
  8. Wow it really did just sell as of this morning!
  9. Other option is this '06 ranger 165vs its very clean. But I like how the nitro and tritons are bigger.http://kansascity.craigslist.org/boa/5180911293.html
  10. A swing away tongue is a must lol, both of which these boats do have with the trailer. Weve looked at many boats so far, and Im thinking it may come down to one of these two. An 18ftr may be possible but it would just be a VERY tight fit if at all. I measured my garage but have forgotten exactly how deep it is. I like the triton more I think, but Im just curious what some other may have to say of the two!
  11. 18 foot isn't an option after storage with the trailer is all said and done I literally just don't have room for it. I need to stick with 17 to 17.5 I probably could have an 18 footer under the right conditions maybe..but I think I'd be fine with a 17', 17.5'
  12. 2011 nitro z6 http://stlouis.craigslist.org/boa/5169643717.html 2011 triton 17 explorer http://stcharlesboat.com/Page.aspx/diid/7782757/list/InventoryList/pageId/121153/view/Details/2011-Triton-Explorer-Series-17.aspx http://kansascity.craigslist.org/bod/5128806572.html Sorry! They should now
  13. How's it going guys! Here's the deal me and my dad have been shoppin around for a boat. I need some advice and opinions on these two here, they both look really clean. I've just heard and read so many bad things about nitros, then again people will always find something to complain about. I'd just like to hear what you guys may have to say about these two, thanks! I feel like that's a steal on the nitro though. I don't think I'd pay that much for that triton, gonna work on him lol. Nitro has a pro xs optimax 115, triton has the 115 optimax 2011 triton 17 explorer http://stcharlesboat...-Series-17.aspx http://kansascity.cr...5128806572.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2011 nitro z6 http://stlouis.craig...5169643717.html
  14. Hey guys! Long time no talk...I've been very busy. Here's the deal me and my dad have been shoppin around for a boat. I need some advice and opinions on these two here, they both look really clean. I've just heard and read so many bad things about nitros, then again people will always find something to complain about. I'd just like to hear what you guys may have to say about these two, thanks! I feel like that's a steal on the nitro though. I don't think I'd pay that much for that triton, gonna work on him lol. 2011 triton 17 explorer http://stcharlesboat.com/Page.aspx/diid/7782757/list/InventoryList/pageId/121153/view/Details/2011-Triton-Explorer-Series-17.aspx http://kansascity.craigslist.org/bod/5128806572.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2011 nitro z6 http://stlouis.craigslist.org/boa/5169643717.html
  15. I woulda' taken it, if only I seen this earlier!
  16. As you guys can probably guess I didn't get out to Gardner lake tonight...I however did check out the new Scheels store here in OP, and it's quite an awesome little store!
  17. Hey guys! I hit La Cygne the other day, thursday July 2nd, didnt have time to really post a report, it was my first time fishing the lake. The bite was SLOW. Me and a co-worker caught a few. But it was well worth that hard day of fishing, my buddy, ended up pulling in a 6lb 7oz'r! Ive never seen a bass so big, lol. We got out on the lake very early, 5:30, fished it till 1pm. Started on topwater, no luck. Started flipping and pitching some grass, west of the dam, had a few small guys, hit the dam with some square bills, again only caught one, wasnt even decent. Just as we were about to leave, we figured we'd pitch some more grass and thats when we pulled in this giant. Hitting Gardner lake tonight with him! Ill let you guys know how that goes.
  18. Thats what I was thinking after talking to you the other day, when my shift ended I went and picked up some frogs!
  19. Fishing kill creek tonight, ill let everyone know how it goes. Bite was prettygood! All litte guys though....frgs and poppers were the bait of choice.
  20. Good place to do some decent catfishing around olathe/gardner guys? (Bank bound)Thanks!
  21. Me and a friend went out to celebration park today, we were killin em'! We caught about 21 combined, they were hitting top water and the wacky rig all morning. I'll add some pictures later, didn't see any snakes surprisingly lol.
  22. Free times a rarity for me kinda! But I'm down! Got a boat?!?! Lol
  23. You been to celebration park recently? Decent sized bass? What do you mean by the grass, fishing grass, or is it tall and all around the outer edge of the pond? I use to go to my step brothers football games out there.
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