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Everything posted by Yumeya

  1. I was looking at some of my ice fishing gear and decided to snap a pic of my TUCR BW that I had wrapped to match my CI4 1000.
  2. One of my favorite combos, Metanium with Yumeya shallow spool and HH bearings, GLX 842c
  3. I would choose the brightest color, either yellow or bright green. Use a leader and then you can also watch your line. Thank me later Seaguar smackdown 15lb That line lay though
  4. Me to, but mine has 15lb seaguar smackdown, I don't use it for ned rigs or shakeyhead though... For ned rigs I would go with the a Megabass Flyssa and Daiwa Certate LT. For shakeyhead I use a NRX 852c with a Shimano Metanium. With that said the Stella is the best Spinning reel I have ever used and I've used quite a few high end spinning reels though out the years...
  5. Tracker 2014 175 TXW I've had it for a couple years now, love it.
  6. I never caught a Largemouth bass over 8lbs that size is hard to find locally.
  7. I haven't kept a fish in years, but if someone does keep a few I don't mind. Now if we had Salmon and Halibut here I would be eating it daily As for hunting I also have no problem with it until it gets into using dogs for bear, cougars and then I also have a problem with people hunting exotic animals. With that said, just saying I can go to the store is not any better, a deer has a way better life then any animal raised for slaughter....
  8. I was just looking at mine Orvis line and noticed it says "made in Japan" I wonder who makes it????
  9. Been using filler spools for leader for years and never had any issues. You fill a spool with FC and use it, so using it as a leader makes what difference? I recently used some Orvis Superstrong plus 8.5lb that was recommended and had some problems with it VS my seaguar invisx 8lb, I was having multiple hooksets where my palomar knot would fail, but I haven't tried any other mono for years so it could be that this Orvis line is just trash.
  10. Its just a stiffer fluorocarbon, the blue label will be more abrasion resistant vs invisX but if that is needed I would go with Sunline Sniper.
  11. Braid-Pline TCB8, Seaguar Smackdown, Sunline Xplasma. Flouro-Seaguar InvisX, Sunline JDM Sniper. I don't use mono anymore....
  12. All 3 are excellent lines, I've been using InvisX and its incredibly strong, I usually use the 8lb the most. Sunline is also excellent and I use it a lot also. I would not recommend buying leader line, its a rip off and really is not any different from a filler spool.
  13. Metaniums are smaller then the Curado K and cast way better.
  14. I reel with my left hand with both spinning and baitcaster reels. Holding any rod with my left had feels un-natural.
  15. I would use braid all my rods have braid...even my crankbait rod, its glass and has plenty of flex for holding onto fish with trebles. It sounds like to me you are not getting a good enough hook set to begin with and the braid being no stretch would help that a lot.
  16. Discontinued as Cabelas brand.
  17. I honestly wish there was more available, the world has enough plastic in it. When I worked for Cabelas/BPS it was insane that amounts of plastics that they threw away and just how much of it was hanging on pegs to sell. I still do use plastics a lot, I also prefer stuff like Zman because it lasts so long and I always save my baits to recycle at home.
  18. These are the ones I use. I love them, I wear them when the sun is out period, even when fishing trebles and it has never been a problem. https://www.amazon.com/Outdoor-Research-Active-Casting-Gloves/dp/B078XZ95N1/ref=sr_1_7?gclid=Cj0KCQjwvdXpBRCoARIsAMJSKqLYfzU1XjvFhzzkDq_b9LrxOh4vwkLt8JsNP-9pYInwPiKoPkKBslUaAlohEALw_wcB&hvadid=178105474445&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9029825&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t2&hvqmt=e&hvrand=17904796911955702451&hvtargid=kwd-76924539567&hydadcr=9412_9900304&keywords=outdoor+research+sun+gloves&qid=1563843103&s=gateway&sr=8-7
  19. All my reels are shimano except two daiwa reels, I love them all but my shimano reels I like a bit more. Get a Stella
  20. Both, but I seem to go towards Shimano.
  21. It's here Sweet reel, nice and smooth. I did just order two bearings to add to the spool and spool shaft from hedge hog studio, had to also get rid of that T-knot and add a Megabass handle knot.
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