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About Adleyfishes

  • Birthday 12/17/2003

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Carson, IA
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass

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  • About Me
    I like to fish...

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  1. It’s been awhile since I’ve gotten on the forum, but I need some insight. I’m pretty young working my way up in the world of boating. My Minn Kota All Terrain 50lb is an AE meaning it was built in 2004. Everything I’ve seen says this doesn’t exist and they only made 45 and 55s that year. I need a new brush end housing assembly as the previous owner broke the rudder or brush guard or fin whatever you’d like to call it. I can’t find it anywhere obviously because there seems to be no trace of its existence please help!
  2. Thank you I love being able to say I own an eco-friendly company.
  3. I'd like to update everyone on my companies success we offer 5 baits in 11 colors. All our baits are 100%. We offer a recycling and donation service and its really taken off. While their are some flake inconsistencies its not noticable. All of our baits are scented as well. All is good.
  4. I may be wrong but I could add my own scent to the plastic before it is poured. I've worked with a scent company before I figure they could help me out and I could add that into the mix after sorting the baits by color. Also I want to give you a big thanks for the help and bringing these issues to light but I'm more determined now than ever also once this is rolling expect a pm maybe I can send you some free baits if this works out and test them out to to see if you skepticism was correct or not.
  5. I never took that into consideration. Thank you for the thought... now on to solving the next problem on the never ending list of problems...
  6. This last summer I grew a social media profile from a couple hundred followers to 3000 without spending a dime and I got some free product along the way and I think the Idea could attract some attention especially for people like me on a budget or just a new outlook on a concept seems to attract attention on social platforms. You see fishing line recycling bins why not ones for baits furthermore why not save your money and recycle your senkos and get back the same amount you started with for a much lower price than if you were to go out and have to buy 10 more packs of Senkos. I mean once the baits are melted down they should have close to the same properties.
  7. Once I have enough molds and got a hang of the process I wanted to have the "recycling" be a service that the company just happened to include and as a kid I just have to makeup for my initial investment. Once I've covered my initial investment I could expand to make making packaged baits with specific formulas and consistencies then once thats done I'm making a profit margin just the same as any normal soft plastic company does thats small.
  8. What I was trying to say is I'd just reproduce the bait in the requested style/mold not make them pay to send me ripped baits. Then once I got their old baits I could re-pour them depending on what they wanted and send them back to the previous owner. Once its poured your not paying for the material aspect as the consumer. I should have been clearer I'm not re-selling I'm repouring your baits in a new mold and sending them directly back to you and my goal is for people to not have to pay premium prices whatsoever and cut material costs while helping out fisheries.
  9. For awhile now I've been considering creating a movement for cleaning up local waters and an idea just hit me in the past couple days or so. I've heard of recycling your soft plastics for awhile now and I go through hundreds and hundreds each year. I'm only 15 so this is kind of a broad idea that seems a little scary to attempt. I questioned where do everyone's plastics go. They go to the trash or in the body of water or just get lost, and thinking about anglers all across the states I realized this has to be effecting the fish whether the effect is big or small. Thus I'm setting out to buy aluminum molds and and get all the equipment I need to reuse and recycle my baits, but if its just me I'm not helping everybody out. So my question is if I was to say start a company that recycled baits in bulk amounts for a small labor fee and shipping would it take off? I don't want to include any information to seem like I'm promoting myself but I already have a large amount of following on social media platforms and I think people would love to help out the environment and save some money I wrote out a super simple one year plan and already have everything (including the injector and proper safety equipment) but the molds. Do I go for it and try to help everyone out a bit or is the idea useless and won't take off? Any opinions, thoughts, or ideas?
  10. I’m purchasing a tamarack angler and with it being a lower end kayak I want to make as many beneficial modifications as possible! So what have you guys modified on your kayaks!
  11. That’s why I didn’t return it but it sounds dry when I do reel in, and in Iowa we’ve had snow lately so I put up all the rods.
  12. I recently purchased an Ardent C-Force and when I go to spin the handle it stops very suddenly and after about 3 rotations tops. I opened her up and greased and oiled the bearings still have the same problem. The reel still free spools for about 7 seconds but the handle won’t cooperate when I spin it. Any ideas?
  13. Pure Fishing is based out of okoboji in my home state my aunt has an uncle that engineers lots of berkley lines such as nanofil and he gets us product every so often. Who knows whats to come...
  14. The Smoke reels are absolute fire.... all jokes aside best reels I have under $200
  15. I throw texas rigs weightless all the time but mostly with a senko.
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