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Everything posted by Fisherman)

  1. How do I use them?? What action do they have? I heard you flick the rod a few times then reel but I don't see how that would make it dive down because it floats?
  2. Try bright color rooster tails. At the pond in my neighborhood I catch around 8 bass and get tons of hits!
  3. Try bright color rooster tails. At the pond in my neighborhood I catch around 8 bass and get tons of hits!
  4. Try bright green and yellow rooster tails!
  5. I'm getting it free from my uncle along with a rod! Is fire line 20# thin?
  6. Whenever I fish muddy water in ponds I use bright rooster tails
  7. Up in south Atlanta the bass bites been off, caught lots of crappie though at about 8 pm
  8. Hey guys, I'm getting a new Pflueger Presidential Spinning Reel with 10 ball bearings and was wondering if any of you have used one and how you guys like it?
  9. Haha nope I think she may have been pregnant or something! We thought she was a small bass when she was comin in
  10. Went to a local pond from about 8:15-9:20 and caught 7 crappie and 1 bream Used a light green rooster tail the whole time We lost probably 6 fish total Heres a few pics but not the best quality
  11. I know this is old but im in the aame area, found any good ponds or know of any farm ponds?
  12. Hooked one using dough balls, snapped my line by my dock but we got to see her! Probably around 12 lbs
  13. I was thinking about getting a bucket and putting concrete in the bottom and having polyethylene hose stick out of the top. Here's where a picture of one is ---> http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2012/08/man-made_structures_create_fis.html
  14. Weightless tubes rigged weedless from my experience in the pond in my neighborhood
  15. How deep does the shallow scatter go? Both of the two I bought from bass pro shops go 6'-8' and are grey on top, creamish color in the middle, and a light green on the bottom. They look like they would be effective, but can't tell of course until I actually get a chance to try them out
  16. Has anyone used one of the crankbaits from the scatter rap series? I just bought two of them but I won't get to go to a deep enough lake for about a week. Do these things work well?
  17. Thanks for the info! I hope its legal in alabama so i can catch some bait faster!!
  18. Have any of you used the Berkeley 4" baby bass? I have it in my tackle box and Ive been wanting to try it out for a while
  19. Anyone on here fish on lake Martin?
  20. Has anyone tried a Sabiki rig in a pond or lake? I bought one while at the beach and I couldn't find anything online about using it in freshwater.. Let me know about your experiences with it in fresh water!!
  21. Met this dude two days before he caught that! Was down in Cape Coral, Florida and bought some shrimp from his bait shop
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