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Everything posted by Comcam

  1. Bass is yummy, I grew up eating it when I visited my grand parents . We keep them on a stringer, never had a live well
  2. Rebel craws work great for smallies in the current river in MO. I normally fish with them exclusively
  3. That one was really cool! I spent 4 days in Chernobyl. If I knew I could have fished there I would have.
  4. That's that's a hoss! It's going to be a pretty penny to mount
  5. That is really sweet. I'd have mounted it
  6. Man that blows! I had my car broken into In high school and had my backpack stolen. Nothing like losing all your fishing gear though =(
  7. Very nice man !
  8. That is one heck of a fish! Good golly
  9. Thanks all. Now to find some public ponds to go cast around in
  10. Heya guys and gals, Just moved to TN under Nashville. Looking to get into bass fishing more, I have mostly fished for small mouth on the current river in Missiouri. Hoping to learn more techniques and stuff from you guys. Thanks Comcam
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