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About DanC

  • Birthday 07/01/1982

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  • Location
    Boston area MA
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs

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  1. Do power poles and Raptors have a way to tilt them down to get under low bridges? Or can you deploy them half way? Sometimes I go under bridges that are low enough that I have to take my seat pedestals down to get under. Will this no longer be possible with shallow water anchors?
  2. I’m looking for a hotel near the south end of Champlain that will allow running cords to plug in overnight. We usually stay at the Hampton Inn in Rutland Vermont and then drive to the South Bay ramp and launch. For some reason this time they are saying they can’t guarantee us power. He said there’s a 95% chance that it won’t be an issue but that doesn’t help us because once we get there if we don’t have power the trip is kind of useless. We need to park 3 trucks and 3 boats.
  3. I am trying to figure out which motor to get. I am getting the 70 to avoid having to run new wires but I’m not sure what length to get. The one I have now is 45”. The maxxum only comes 42 or 52. The boat is a 2010 tracker Pro Team 175txw.
  4. Anyone have any advice on this place late October? I bought a map for it but I know nothing about it and can’t find much online.
  5. Thanks again. Fishing deep is definitely not my strength but I will try it out.
  6. Thanks guys. Mainely Bass. What depth points? I have fished most of the points in the lake. Not with dropshot though. I'll try it.
  7. Does anyone fish this lake? My parents bought a house on it last year. I do ok in the spring but last summer was terrible. This year so far is the same. I just spent the whole week there and maybe caught 10 bass. Anyone have any tips they would like to share?
  8. WRB, Thanks. Sounds like that is the trade off which I'm ok with.
  9. WRB, I'm not looking to go fast. Just to get the max speed out of it that I can and get the RPM down a little. I'm going to get a Laser II 20 pitch I think. I've found a few people online with same boat that say they get 42mph at 5500 RPM with this prop. This would be 2-4 MPH than I'm getting now. Usually I get 38 mph but have gotten up to 40 on occasion. I don't really want to get into modifications to the motor. Thanks everyone for the input.
  10. I'm going to look at the tach again when I take it out. If it is 6000 rpm then is that the number I should use on the prop selector? PECo, that's very nice of you to offer. Thank you. It is a little too far though.
  11. I just noticed that when I look up my motor which is an Optimax 75 and it says the rpm at full throttle is 5500–5750. One Sunday I looked at mine tachometer at full throttle and it said 6000. If I put in 6000 and my gauge is off a little, what would happen if I got the wrong prop?
  12. What kind of boat is it?
  13. I want to order a stainless steel prop. I have a 2010 Tracker Pro Team 175 TXW with a 2011 75 HP Mercury Optimax. When I go to the the prop selector it gives me three different ones. Two are almost the same and have 3 blades. The other has four blades. The prop that came with it has four blades. What reason would I want four blades instead of three or vice versa? My goal is to make the boat as fast as possible. If I went with the three blade prop would I want the one that is slightly bigger and more pitch or the smaller one? I have attached a photo.
  14. That's all? Looked pretty nasty. I thought ght it was some kind of disease or something
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